Past Life Documentary Spread


This spread was created by myself and Torkie - it is a detailed description of your past life- it is 28 cards which seems daunting but each section is sort of read individually just all in connection to your past life.

The spread looks like this:


Positions 1-4 - Me in That Life
1) Who was I?
2) My relationship at a glance
3) About my job
4) About my environment

Positions 5-8 - Personality in That Life
5) Strongest personality trait
6) How others seen me
7) Most positive trait
8) Biggest vice

Positions 9-12 Personal Life
9) The reality of my marriage
10) Relationship with my kids
11) How my partner felt about our marriage
12) How I felt about it

Positions 13-16 Job
13) My job could best be defined as...?
14) How important was the job?
15) Was I happy with my career?
16) How did I feel about my compensation?

Positions 17-20 - Era/Time of Life
17) How is my environment generally viewed by today's standards?
18) How was the general health of the population?
19) How did the government view individual rights?
20) How did I feel about the government I was under?

Positions 21-24 - Death
21) What were the circumstances surrounding my death.
22) What was the most necessary lesson learned?
23) What lesson did I fail to learn?
24) What I carried on to my next life?

Positions 25-28 - Today

25) What is the necessary lesson I need to learn in this life?
26) What can I do now to begin learning it?
27) What is the lesson I am farthest from understanding?
28) Will I reincarnate after this life?

I know that this is a long spread but it is so detailed that if you are interested in past lives i think that this is a very effective way of delving into the details that other spreads I've seen do not.

Torkie and I hope that everyone enjoys this spread! Please feel free to leave feedback and we would really appreciate anyone who does this spread letting us know how it went and what they thought of it!

Thank you all!

Little_Sparrow and Torkie!!


Hi Little_sparrow and Torkie --

Wow! this is quite comprehensive! I will definitely try it ... I a nut for large spreads but the past life is what intrigues me... I will let you know how it went! thanks for sharing this one!


Thank you for your interest! I'm really eager to know how this goes for you!! :D


Yay! Our spread is here!


Wauw! :D i will try this one thank you!


I'm glad you enjoyed it :)