Rainring Masterclass 5 (set 3 part 2) major revision


23. Soul: Group – Unconscious (5 indigo)
The Image

The image of Soul is that of a vortex, deeper blue at the centre, changing as it rises and expands to include lighter blues, blue-green, lime green and so on. Associated with this vortex, whether wrapped within it or curled up on its margins, are a number of figures which are clearly human, though they have no features – perhaps because we do not want to emphasise their particularity as individuals. One figure only is more identifiable – an adult female, one of whose hands cups her breast.

The meaning

Soul: balanced relation to one’s unconscious; psychic openness, but with adequate control; action from, or being within, one’s deepest nature or self

A General
Soul is the mid-point between Obsession and Possession, and represents right relationship with the Unconscious, implying a balance between the self and what is beyond the self. This involves an ability to integrate conscious and unconscious, so that there is not a great inner divide and consequent war within the personality.

B Specific

The inner aspect of Soul refers to you being centred – not at the ego level, but in broader terms. Whereas the tendency of self is to fight intrusion as potentially destabilising, in Soul you handle the Unconscious not by trying to close yourself against it, but by incorporating whatever is appropriate as you go along, hence enabling your self to grow and change. You are open to receiving what the Unconscious brings you, rather than obsessively trying to impose your own agenda upon it; your concern always being to integrate unconscious contents. In this way, you are not swept off balance by the force of this material. Again, rather than becoming too greedy or inflated, you will be consciously limiting yourself to the amount that you can handle. You are not, for example, using drugs as a short cut to unconscious material, which would risk flooding you with unconscious contents, with consequent mental health problems.

In the outer world, you are not in an introspective mode. In Soul you do not go in search of the Unconscious, you simply allow it to work on you with its own rhythm and amplitude. Soul implies balance also in both self and relationships. With regard to the former, to be heavily involved in the ambitious drive to achieve will block access to the Unconscious. Soul has a here-and-now quality: if you are looking to the future, asking yourself all the time what the legacy of your actions will be, you cannot act with Soul. In relationship also you want to have a good balance – neither excessive sociability, nor a surfeit of personal isolation.

The card Soul may reflect your contact either with universal material, or with buried material from your own past. The distinction is only partial, because we all share so much of the psyche in any case. To know yourself is to know the world. To ‘have soul’ or be in touch with Soul means that the scope of your actions is broader than that of narrow self-interest, that your desires are deeper than the shallow ones of sensory gratification. In Soul also there is great empathy, for if you not only see but truly feel the pain of the world, how can you not also hurt? Soul is a quality or attribute of yours that communicates itself to others. It has a healing and integrating function, working against extremes and disequilibrium in the psyche. Soul is thus a highly positive card, making clear that you have both depth and breadth, and are not merely acting superficially or parochially.

Divination summary

being in touch with your unconscious; right relation with the Unconscious; absence of inner splits; integration of conscious and unconscious aspects of your psyche; self-awareness; empathy; sensitivity to others; absence of ambition or self-promotion; good relationship balance; auspicious psychological balance

24. Radiance: Group – Self (6 yellow)
The image

It is summer. A blonde woman, wearing a green dress and white apron, stands looking out from a high place towards wheat fields, with hills beyond. She has one arm round a tree trunk and the other holds a large sunflower. Nearby, a baby lies naked on a blanket in the sun.

The meaning

Radiance: the balance of one’s self-vibration in interaction with others – radiance cannot be bent to the will of another; neither seeks power and control for self over others

A General

Radiance is the balancer for Submission and Domination, which means that it involves the proper use of one’s self-vibration. Radiance is the attribute of the strong personality which does not seek to dominate. It requires and therefore demonstrates a high degree of self-assurance.

B Specific

You are involved with others, relationships are important to you and you assert yourself, but not in a way which tends to override the will or freedom of others. Your strength of character is likely to be felt and admired, but you are exercising it for yourself, not to gain control over others. There is a joyful quality about Radiance and people are drawn to you. Radiance is based on being centred, knowing who you are and where you stand. It is not that you are throwing your energy into trying to make contact with others; on the contrary, it is your relationship with yourself in the first instance which makes you attractive. For just as most people love the warmth of the sun, so Radiance draws most people to it. Your vibration also includes an element of drama and excitement, capable of having a destabilising effect.

Radiance is about shining, and if you want to be a sunflower, the first requirement is to have your place in the sun!

People tend to divide into the strong and the weak, with the former intent on taking away from the latter their living space, their freedom…and the weak conceding it. There is an urgent need for Radiance – for those who fight their own corner, are a push-over for nobody, yet have no inclination to lord it over anyone either. Radiance also has an association with creativity. Children often exhibit it, and this is connected to the freedom they have to express themselves in a completely unconventional manner. Radiance, like Soul, comes out of the still centre of being.

Radiance is not something which you can produce at will, it is something that happens. It comes out of contact with the Unconscious, and the enrichment you receive from such contact. Finally, Radiance leaves a mark on those who come into contact with it, a legacy of warm feelings.

Divination summary

radiance, self-assurance, personal strength of character but without domination; warmth, joyfulness, self-expression; individuality, unconventionality, originality, centredness; sense of wonder; co-operative ability in relationship.

25. Interchange: Group – Communication (7 blue)
The image

A group, or possibly a family of musicians are playing together in the open air. The middle ground is dominated by a man and a boy, both playing drums. They are looking and listening, each responding to what the other is doing musically. In the background is an older man, perhaps the grandfather. He is sitting on what could be the root of an adjacent tree, and playing the harmonica. In the foreground we see only the arms of a fourth, apparently female figure, held aloft playing a tambourine. An air of tranquillity and enjoyment pervades the picture.

The meaning
Interchange: communicating from oneself and being open to receiving the communications of others; mid-point between, and balance of, inhibition and exhibition

A General

Belonging to group 7, Interchange is the balance for exhibition and inhibition. Exhibition is communication, but driven by a compulsive personal agenda; Inhibition is blockage in communication. In Interchange, there is an easy and natural flow to and fro, so that each individual is able to be genuinely present with the other. Interchange is not about agreeing with someone, but about the two arts of giving and of taking.

B Specific

You are in communication with one or more others. Whether you are using words, images, music or whatever, you may provoke intense emotions, sexual feelings and so on. However, the act of communication itself belongs to the throat chakra – sending some form of personal expression out to a ‘distant’ recipient. Interchange is a movement, like the ebb and flow of the tide, where you and the other person challenge each other, stimulate each other mentally, emotionally and spiritually, so that each is both teacher and student in the exchange. There is a magic here, whether you are one of a group of musicians playing together, are curled up on your own in a chair reading a book, are one of the actors or members of the audience in a theatre. As a communicator in Interchange, you take responsibility for the other – you care about and you show respect for them – naturally, and not because that is how you believe you are supposed to behave.

In Interchange, the Unconscious waits, as it were, in the wings. When the other is there with you, your focus is upon impression and expression. Only later will you have the freedom, in tranquillity, to let yourself feel how the material thus gathered works on your Unconscious. But this is prefigured in a quality of awareness which you must have present in true Interchange. It is out of the soil of your awareness that the transforming elements will grow. Interchange, in its strongest manifestation, therefore requires a great deal of energy, motivation and commitment from you. And it is perhaps the most readily available arena for work on yourself.

So you may do media interviews, teach adults, work in a team of scientists, play in a band. Or the interchange may be outside your work, reflecting common interests such as cars or gardening… Unlike Relation, the emphasis in Interchange is on a certain content being transmitted – the issue is not how you and the other feel together, but on what passes between you – knowledge, understanding, experience, technique. It is also upon the quality of the transmission: is the expression timely, a true reflection of its inner source, accurately calibrated for the recipient(s). This card shows that you know both how to talk (or play) and to listen. Whether your conversations are musical or verbal, there is a sense of co-operation, in which each enriches, and is enriched by, her/his companions. The relaxed openness of those involved make this a card of enjoyment, as well as of interest, expression and learning.

Divination summary

teaching and learning; shared insights, mental and emotional stimulation; relaxing exchange; impression and expression; awareness of self and others; challenging and being challenged; magic of resonance – whether sending out or receiving; art of giving and of taking.

26. Joy: Group – Conjugation (8 magenta)
The image

A woman in a red skirt and white blouse dances barefoot in a pink room. She holds her arms above her head and has castanets attached to her fingers. A man in old-fashioned breeches and white socks, and wearing a low-brimmed hat, sits to the side of her playing a fiddle. Behind the woman we see a stone fireplace, in which sits an iron cooking pot.

The meaning
Joy: balance between clarity and passion; properly – a state with no denial; equal and full recognition of both male and female side in oneself and the world

A General

Joy is the first realised (balanced) card of the magenta group. It is the place between spirit denial and will denial, where there IS no denial. Like all the magenta cards except the two denials, Joy is a card whose substance can be realised only fully in a future order of existence. What we can experience now as joy is only a fitful shadow of what will later become possible in manifestation (the ‘Earth plane’).

B Specific

In a world full of denial, Joy has a price tag: it costs you a great deal to end any element of denial; it destabilises you and obliges you to go through painful readjustments. In discussing Relation, we suggested that sexual attraction might be a far wider and more generalised phenomenon than it is usually taken to be. If this were so, it would mean that you would have to clear away an enormous amount of debris before you could have truly joyful – i.e. denial-free relationships. One of the effects of you having extensive casual sex in the presence of denial is to produce pain and guilt which you and your partners then deny, hence adding to - not subtracting from - the total sum of denial.[2]

The cards drawn for Joy emphasise this sexual aspect of it strongly. The true Joy of the future, when denial is cleared out, involves denial-free sex as one of its major components. It implies the end of the regime under which we live at present, where desire is in a state of extreme suppression. For example,

‘work’ for most of humanity means doing something that you don’t really want to do, at someone else’s behest. Children, increasingly, are being shoe-horned into this regime – play is now only justified if it is ‘educational’. School prepares children for work: i.e. it accustoms them from a very young age to a life in which play / leisure / enjoyment is only allowed as a minor add-on after work – i.e. a life of denial. All this is the absolute antithesis of a desire-led culture, and is causing greater and greater psychific damage.

Joy, then, involves you being in touch with your body, feeling its range of sensations. You become aware of the pain held in your body, as you move towards releasing it. In Joy, you find yourself much further towards the Will end of the spectrum than in our present spirit-sided culture: emotion, like sensation, comes to the fore. Joy leaves a lasting impression, a legacy in the world of form, in the body. It is intimately connected with expression, and the moment you begin to curb your self-expression in any way and for whatever reason, Joy goes out of the window. In Joy also, you cannot have attitudes of domination or submission – it is a state in which you feel good to be alive, and happy for others to be there with you.

In this state of Joy you are experiencing feelings such as exuberance, gaiety, wonder and delight. On the spirit side, to be joyful is to know a feeling of rightness: the sense of participation in an all-pervasive harmony to existence, beyond the self-absorption of normal awareness. These times of Joy are what you need to give meaning to your whole existence. Life offers possibilities beyond work, making money and becoming powerful or famous. You are experiencing such a time, a moment of true ‘en-joyment’. Authentic Joy is a gift – you cannot get to this; but it can come to you.

Joy is the balance for clarity and passion, such that to be joyful in the fullest sense is to incorporate completely the qualities of both. The shadow which at present exists in Joy is cast over it by the pain of the present existence into which we inevitably fall back. The Joy to come will be unrestrained and unrestricted, because untainted by denial in ourselves or the world. For the time being, perhaps the purest expression of Joy that we are likely to see is at moments in the lives of small children.

To conclude, experience shows that the card Joy may just as easily refer to the pain which erupts in your body or emotions during the process of freeing yourself from denial as it does to your feeling ‘blissed-out’. The difference is that the pain in Joy is birth pain – it is the price of freedom. The card Joy is pointing you towards a place where you are no longer denying either your Will or your Spirit – even if that place may still be far off.

Divination summary

Freeing oneself from denial both of Will and Spirit; contact with one’s buried sensations and emotions; self-expression; new beginnings, rebirth; sense of exhilaration, intense well-being; sexual enjoyment; pleasure, fun, freeing oneself from work-obsessed attitudes; sexual freedom without denial, long-lasting imprinting of enjoyment upon the body; freedom from attitudes of dominance or submission.

27. Tides: Group – Quest-ion? (9 grey/brown for white)

[Notice of intention to withhold information.

We have decided to withhold the detailed meanings for all the cards of group 9 until we can publish all this material commercially. We are really sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. See 9 Ebb (set 1) for details]


[1] In many cases such as teacher and student, boss and subordinate, therapist and client, doctor and patient and so on, repression of sexual feelings may be integral to the performance of a professional function, to the emotional or physical well-being of those involved, or both. In such cases, it would be highly unwise to stigmatise sexual repression as being reprehensible per se.

[2] The hippie period of the 1960s and early 70s did a great deal to get sex out of the closet, but fell into the trap of trying to jump to ‘free love’ without dealing with the guilt and denial present.

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