What workbooks are the best?


I've seen a lot of workbooks with exercises everywhere online

to help you get to know your cards....are any workbooks better than some

or are they all good for beginners?


Mary Greer's Books are excellent, I would start with 'Tarot for Your Self' then move on to '21 Ways to read a Tarot Card'.
These 2 books will keep you busy for years!! lol

I am a beginner myself:))

Penny Dreadfuls

The Mythic Workbook is a really great workbook too.


What's in the Cards for you

I first got into Tarot as a way to help me create stories. One book that early on helped me see the diversity of Tarot uses was Mark McElroy's "What's in the Cards fot You."

The genius of the book is you get an introduction to the cards that isn't overly esoteric and very user friendly. You use the cards to find what you want to do with them.

It is a very approachable way to see the vast Tarot landscape. From there you can begin to focus on specfics.

Honestly I did adapt some of the excercises but well worth the time.

The Mary Greer books are great but were a bit overwhelming for me as a beginner.

And to be honest the very best tarot workbook is an empty journal. You will here it a lot but it is true. Use the others for ideas and inspriration but a journal is a must for the serious tarot beginner.

Hope this helps!



I'm a begginner as well and only have a couple of books. I'm not sure if this falls under the category of a workbook but the book I have which has helped me out is "The Complete Tarot Reader" by Teresa C. Michelsen.


thanks for your help....

found all those workbooks you mentioned in Amazon....

btw, I do keep a journal...one of those 100-sheet bound composition books...


I recommend a blank journal also, as many here do.

A Rider Waite deck can't hurt, either.

But if you want to learn to read the cards and you really must have a book to do it with, I heartily suggest The 2-Hour Tarot Tutor by Wilma Carroll. I stumbled on the book by accident but I wish I'd had it from the start.

Another book I recommend is Secret Language of Tarot by the Ruth and Wald Amberstone.

I respect Mary Greer's books tremendously but they can be overwhelming for a new person. Same with Rachel Pollack's books. 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card by Mary Greer is good, though.

James Rickleff wrote Tarot Tells the Tale and that's a good one for a little while later on.

All the ones I've mentioned are workbooks as well as wonderful sources of information for a new person.


I borrowed other books I've see on the main website...the 4 & 5 star

ones...from my public library...and take notes on the meanings from them...

I use them and the 2 books I bought when I bought my deck...

"Easy Tarot Handbook" by Ellershaw and "Tarot Basics" by Burger & Fiebig


i love the idea of a tarot workbook but so far - all of them just makes me really really bored, so yeah, a blank notebook and a deck of your choice will always be the best workbook :p

just something about an author telling me what to do that makes me more annoyed then inspired.... but i think it is just me... lol