Cards for Moving & Relocation?


Okay ... my question is for cards that show moving & relocation IF the querent doesn't know they will be moving.

I would say the Knight of Wands, for sure.

The World seems to point to travel abroad.

The Chariot - maybe a short move, or a supporting card???

Any other cards I'm not thinking of?


8 of wands, 6 of Swords and knight of swords.... but there's even more. ;)


In my personal experience they have been: 8 of cups, 6 of swords, the chariot but I agree with Vadella (welcome back!!) that there is a lot more. I cant think of them without my deck! hahaa


The Tower. (I mean, you have to move if your house falls down, right? J/K...but this card can, actually, also indicate a change of living quarters.)


Wow ... I had never thought of the Tower that way. VERY interesting - and literal - LOL!


Death for a longterm move abroad (esp. for business purposes) that disrupted the person's previous way of life. I've had it come up for two different cases in conjunction with the 8 wands and 8 cups... as well as 6 swords. And those two people moved far away soon afterwards.


These can also indicate moving or making plans to move:

4 of wands:
putting down roots... moving to a new house or to a new job

10 of pentacles:
good energies and could move to a new house or add onto your present home

:) :heart:


traditional card for moving/changing residence: 10 wands.


balenciaga said:
traditional card for moving/changing residence: 10 wands.

Now I am intrigued! For me 10 of wands always has been about burden and struggle to your limit. How does that connect to moving?


I'm intrigued too!!! I see the 10 of wands as too much burden & wasting energy.