Tarot: An Illustrated Notebook by Dennis Fairchild


Hum...i'm kind of cazy for Tarot Nova artwork right now and i saw this on Amazon for sale for $0.01...WHAT is it, exactly? A blank jounal? A book? Both? I know it comes with the Tarot Nova in cardboard, that tear along the dotted lines to use as a deck.

Does anyone own it? Just out of curiosity. I loved the cover of this book/journal/whatever it is. :D


Faolainn Storm

Mostly blank journal. Each page is dedicated to a card and has the card titile, a very small version of the Tarot Nova card image and a couple of sentences of meaning, upright and reversed, at the bottom of the page. There are a couple of sentences on the Tarot, Major Arcana, and each suit.

As a journal it is okay, the paper is beautiful thick quality and the cards are nice. But The meanings mean it is not exactly the greatest book ever published. There is not much room to write per page. And I have bought nicer journals.



Marina said:
Hum...i'm kind of cazy for Tarot Nova artwork right now and i saw this on Amazon for sale for $0.01...WHAT is it, exactly? A blank jounal? A book? Both? I know it comes with the Tarot Nova in cardboard, that tear along the dotted lines to use as a deck.

Does anyone own it? Just out of curiosity. I loved the cover of this book/journal/whatever it is. :D


The Tarot Nova you're talking about is the mini version - it's tiny.
There is another larger (although still small) version where the cards are real cards, already separate. I had it and traded it away. It comes as part of 'The Fortune Telling Kit' with a book on palmistry.
I think you can also get the regular deck on it's own cheaply.
It's on very good card stock and isn't a rip apart thing at all.

Edited to add: this version has the real tarot deck in it: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tarot-Compl...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1215951443&sr=8-1

This is the version with the rip apart, extremely small deck; more of a novelty than anything else: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tarot-Minia...=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1215951443&sr=8-2


Sulis said:
The Tarot Nova you're talking about is the mini version - it's tiny.

Nop, it's not this version i'm talking about. I have this one - the small book with the tiny, tiny rip apart deck. I'm talking about one i saw in Amazon, and it's a journal, and for what i've read, the size is normal. AND it also comes with a rip apart deck. Confusing, uh? I think so :confused:

I love my tiny one, that's what made me look for Tarot Nova :)

But i was curious about the journal, really, i'm thinking about getting it, thought i don't know if the Amazon Market Place sellers ship outside the US :(


I have the journal.

The rip apart deck is a little smaller than the larger deck (that you can buy separately or with the palmistry book.

The mini deck comes with a mini-hardback

The larger deck comes with a smaller paperback that does not have all the information that the hardback does..but has some of it on a sheet of paper.