check this dream_ the first I post


I worked as a teaching assistant last semester for a professor in my dept. and last week I had the following dream with him: he'd died in my home and I didn't know what to do with the body. I thought of calling 911 (the emergency number in the states) but I wasn't sure it was the right number to call. I wasn't sure, what to say to them. So I left the body in my apartment and went to school, where I asked some people what they would do with a dead body in their homes. They were not at all sure about what they would do so they all gave me different answers. I got all confused. When I came back home, I closed the door of the room where the dead man was, sat at the living room and I started wondering again, what to do, how long could I wait, until I decided, and what the consequences would be, if I waited too long? I wondered and wondered about that dead body and at some point, I woke up.

That's it. Any oppinions?



i see the death of your professor, as symbolizing the death of your recent studies. what i mean is... you may be seeing that which you have been studying as something you either no longer have an interest in or as something you see as a dead end future.

so now what do you do? in the dream you ask others at the uni, what to do. you get conflicting information and that confuses you. the answer must be found within yourself alex. others cannot tell you what to do.

in the dream you wonder how long you can wait. what are the consequences. sounds like you are facing major decisions in your life and you fear that time is running out to make those decisions.

my advice would be to take some time off, by yourself.... to do nothing but think and decide... for yourself. the answer lies within.


What was the subject that professor what teaching (in real life)?

An old so thought wisdom has died in you. Something that you perceived as wisdom died (an event in life has killed it).

An example would be someone that believes in “true love and happily live forever after” after a few disappointing relationships he/she doesn’t believe in that anymore – that type of wisdom died. Of course it could be anything that is why I asked what the professor was specializing in to get a clue of what wisdom died.

Thinking of calling 911, you think that it is time to panic now, but you are not sure about that. So, you don’t panic but go to school which means going back to check with your insecurities to see what to do about that. But of course as insecurities by default will not be able to help but only add more fog to the issue, you got confused. Closing the area / room where the dead man was is totally closing that area of wisdom in your mind not even checking why did he die who killed him whatever…. just closing it down.

So, you sat down to think how long will it be until the consequences of this dead wisdom will arrive (you already know that there will be consequences for this).

I think that the dream is telling you that an event in life has killed some type of older wisdom, and you know that this is not good news. You also know that without this wisdom there will be consequences, but you don’t know what to do. You also did not check the cause of death so that you can better know what happened and therefore maybe avoid the consequences or at least deal with it in a more informative way.

I would assume that this dream has to do something about perception of relationships, but I wouldn’t bet on it, so let us know.

Anyway, that is my take on it. I hoped it helped.


He teaches

entomology (insects) for non-science majors. I taught the labs for him.

Karenwhe said:
What was the subject that professor what teaching (in real life)?.

I got to go to school now but I'll come back to this. Thanks. Alex.


entomology professor = wisdom of sensitiveness (can also be precision or watchfulness)

I would bet more on perceptions of sensitivity that have died (the killed dead body professor).

Wisdom would “usually” mean (in dreams) deep rooted perceptions from either experience or childhood or both - but here I could be wrong as wisdom is a word that can be described in many really depends on what you see as wisdom.


I wonder about your dream-reaction to the incident more than anything else. Here's a truely shocking situation that your dream self treated with unimaginable detachment. In your dream, it seems even your co-workers were not shocked or alarmed by your questions concerning the imposing corpse.

Do you or did you in past have any reason to ask this fellow to drop dead? How about feeling obligated to him or the job? Could it be that some odd little attachment fixed itself to you during the course of the semester and is now working its way out to your conscious self?

It could also be that the professor is someone you consider completely safe and the image of his death and consequential imposition is standing in for someone or something more formatable in your life right now.




I feel like this dream plays right along with the reading I did for you recently. The death of your professor could symbolize the end of your schooling which leads you to make decisions in your life as to what to do next (what to do with the body). You are asking others for advice both in your dream and in reality, yet no one seems to be able to give you the answer. Ultimately you know that the decision is yours and that it must be made soon or you fear the consequences of not doing so. However you feel like you are spinning your wheels thinking and can't seem to get yourself to take the needed action. When I read your dream I felt like I was reading that spread all over again. It seems to me you are really struggling with this, I wish you the best and hope with all my heart you can make a decision that gives you peace and happiness. :)



The background knowledge some of you are missing: I used to be married to a man that had serious problems with depression. One day it came to my "knowledge" that he was going to attempt suicide. I called 911 and plus in order to prevent him from doing so. As I live in the fronteer between 3 states, just imagine how many phone calls to police and helplines I made. Nothing made a difference, for the police could not arrest him to a hospital unless I could *prove* what I was saying.

For two days I asked around and called and talked with people but *there was nothing I could do but wait* that *dead body to become reality*.

Ex- attempted suicide and, fortunately, he survived. Fortunately, too, I decided that for the sake of my own self-preservation I had to get rid of him. I so did, but I was obviously already trully traumatized.

I wasn't curious about what had killed the professor ... I *new* it. I was mad he had come die in MY PLACE! How dare he! And no matter how much we panic over things, they happen their own way. So what? ... just one more dead body in my living room...


Now, everyone's interpretation has showed me one aspect of the problem I am in. The dream, as I see it, just makes an analogy with a past traumatic situation, but the "point" of it is certainly my approaching graduation and delayed life decisions.

Thanks to ALL of you who have replied, it has helped to open my mind.



After reading the events in reality that "link" or should "link" to the dream I ponder on a few things:

1. the dreams shows no trauma at all

2. the dreams does not show delay in events so to speak (not doing anything with the body doesn't mean delaying anything as no one gave you a dead line to get rid of the body as far as anyone cares it can rot there).


The dreams shows:

1. closing the area - not dealing with it

2. thinking of consequences of the not dealing with “it” or the “event”, instead of dealing with it to prevent consequences.

Is it possible that the dream might have been telling you that you are not dealing with the events and emotions thereafter from the previous relationship (the “lessons” / wisdom that can be gained for future strength and practical wisdom) so that you can move on with your emotional and physical life?

Anyway I am not sure what it is that I am saying exactly but this is what came to mind when comparing dream with reality.


oh no ...

but that IS the point. Dead bodies begin to rot...


Thanks, Karen, I think I understand what you have said.

I can see you're still in Australia? Hope things will go well for you in 2003. Regards. Alex.

Karenwhe said:
not doing anything with the body doesn't mean delaying anything as no one gave you a dead line to get rid of the body as far as anyone cares it can rot there.