Consciouness vs Energy

The crowned one

Re-pete-a I have re-read through the posts, I have a feeling you are more talking about cognition then consciousness.( and every now and then something I do not quite get, but that might be semantics.)

So here we are. We can not agree on consciousness, and this is good. We have only mentioned sub-consciousness one time, that was me, and no-one has brought up the super consciousness and I am relieved about that because my undying faith in it has cooled over the last two years.


TCO I mentioned the subconscious/superconscious way back about 1 day ago:
tarotlyn said:
Without energy there would be no consciousness.

When we read tarot cards, some people are in the beta (analytical) brain wave state
and some people can relax enough to be in both the beta and the alpha (subconscious) state
at the SAME TIME. And, I believe, when we die, our conscious (beta state)
disappears and we are left with the energy of our subconscious mind and our
superconscious (contact with the universe and spirituality).

I believe our consciousness dissipates and our physical body goes back to
dust, but our subconscious/superconscious always remains as a Spirit of ENERGY
to move on to our next journey, mission,or experience.

You ask how do I know? Well, I recently had several Spirits visit me and they
taught me about our brains and how that works, and there are some things
they told me beyond what I mentioned above...that I just cannot not
remember totally. But they definately explained our brain wave patterns, our
subconscious/superconscious to me and showed it to me on a person that
was sitting in a chair before me. i wish I could remember the rest...but it is
registered within my own subconscious mind for me to tap into at a later date.


The crowned one

So you did! My apologies :)

I call Alpha waves "the meditative state" or "day dreams".


The crowned one said:
...I call Alpha waves "the meditative state" or "day dreams".
That is an excellent way to say it...I will have to remember that! Thanks TCO :heart:


Dancing Bear said:
I was having a conversation with an aunt tonight about all this.. and was wondering about your views on this..

Are we Consciousness using Energy,
Or Energy Using Consciousness..???

Working with spirit I can see Where we are consciousness using energy, But then i thought but are we not energy as well.. Not just consciouness using energy , but a mix of both.. at times needing more energy for the task at hand.. both in spirit and physical..But enrgy and consciousness at the same time?

Would love some views..

I suppose, in essence, consciousness itself IS a form of energy. Consciousness takes awareness and sometimes thought. And that which is energy can be neither created or destroyed. Which now that I think of it explains a lot about my views on our consciousness being eternal...

Thought IS energy,and in fact any kind of awareness must be energy. Like in meditation when I can turn off my thoughts, I become aware of the real me underneath.

I become aware of it by feeling that energy. And when I truly feel it deeply, it seems to me that that energy is, at its base, consciousness (the knowing of connnection and love, the consciousness of it that which is our true nature). If consciousness IS energy (or a form of energy), then there is really no distinction. They are one and the same. Both are inextricable parts of the same thing and cannot be fully separated.

More thoughts.., if I feel I want to pick up a book at the other end of the room,and I walk over there to get it and pick it up, is that consciousness telling me I want it and to go get it OR energy directing my consiousness to go get it? The two seem to go simulaneosly. I do not hear the words in my head: "Go get the book" (my mind does not tell me in words) to make me go get it. It seems what happens is an impulse that is at once an energy source AND based in consciousness that sets my feet in motion to get it. And then there is the book in my hand.

I did not conscioiusly have the thought to go get it. And yet my consciousness was involved because I am not surprised at the end result. There is the book in my hand and I am not surprised to see it there, even though I had no conscious thought of it. My concsciousness was in on it, on that impulsive energy that sent me off to get what I wanted.

This was such a good question! It really had me thinking. I have come to the conclusion within myself that they are one and the same. We are, after all, energy beings and all energy is interconnected.



What inpulse gave energy the inertia to evolve. Of itself, energy does not create life.


re-pete-a said:
What inpulse gave energy the inertia to evolve. Of itself, energy does not create life.

(Depending on your viewpoint) G-d's energy and consciousness created life, but then G-d's consciousness and energy have existed forever. And both would have been necessary to create it, working together.

Which got me thinking, if we did not have between lives of after our lives end, we would be nothing BUT pure consciousness and energy. Neither would be more important or preceed the other. They would together form the essence of who and what we are. I think that brings me one step closer to the answer, at least in my mind.

Does energy evolve? What is created of the energy can evolve, but does the energy itself evolve?



does air evolve , does water evolve. All things change, but of itself ,no . it changes because of an intent to find an equaling balance. It's prompted by externals.