protection prayers please

Guiding Cauldron

Does anyone know of any protection prayers/spells to use against another soul.spirit/entity please? I seem to recall a banishing prayer in the distances of my mind does anyone know teh actual words to it though? Thanks for any help.



1. first of all , regain your own power

you do this by conneting to the earth and filling yourself with light so nothing can be in your aura that doens't belong.

my friend let me guide you

a) first take some deep breaths
b) picture some roots coming down from your root center and feet into the ground and into the core of the earth.
c) when you are there bring up the bright red energy into your feet and root center,, and up all through your body til you are glowing red
d) as you do this picture that every time you breath you are glowing more red.
c) keep doing this into your whole body is glowing red and your auric ball if you can see it glows red as well.
(if you can't see it just picture a shell around or that you are in a ball and your job is to fill it up with red light )

2. ground part two .

2a)now from the heavens, or above you from the stars,picture the light coming down through the crown center into your body
b) you breathe in and every time you breath it in,, your whole body glows brighter and more stronger
c) do this into all your chakras
d) and now fill up that bubble with light that ball around you
e) and now say this
"i now seal up my aura and my body with the light of the creator so nothing that does not belong to me can invade my space.
i ask the angels and the archangels to help me as this is done to keep it like this til i renew this process tomorrow".

i will brb with some ascended masters you can call.

Guiding Cauldron

thanks holmes i was hoping id hear from you, thank you for the kindness.


for prayers

besides of course asking the creator and god and goddes for help..

here is some emissaries you can call upon from doreen virtue ascended masters.

spirit releasement,
archangel micheal,
archangel rapheal
kuan ti ,
sanat kumara

protection against psychic attack
saint -germain.

from lower energies
archangel micheal and ishtar

to clear the space in your home
archangel micheal
archangel raphea
kuan yin
saint john of god
sanat kumara

to clear your chakra
archangel micheal

ok i will now call these in to help you,, and you can recall them in for you as well

i am now calling archangel micheal and melchizedek to help clear the chakras of guiding cauldron.
as well i am asking further micheal and istar protect her from lower energies
and so forth with that being taken care of
i am asking that
archangel micheal, athena, el morya, ishtar, melchedek, and saint -germain.
protect her further from psychic attacks and spiritual attacks.
and so now
i am asking that any spirits around her are released,
so please archangel micheal, archangel rapheal,kuan ti , melchizedek, sanat kumara and solomon aid us all by releasing any spirits around her, in her home and more.
and finally i am asking you archangel micheal,archangel rapheal,artemis ,kuan ti,kuan yin,lakshmi,saint-germian,saint john of god ,sanat kumara ,solomon and vesta
to clear the space in her house for negative energies and her loved ones homes as well.
with this in mind i am asking the angels and spirit helpers on her team to bless her in accordance with the will and blessing of the great creator.

and now i will send you reiki to help out as well ,
i have said this for you as well.

Guiding Cauldron

bright bless and again thank you i'm off for tonight.

Guiding Cauldron

yes milfoil that is exactely what i was looking for last night thank you so much for finding it!

Holmes thank again so much for last night i went to bed peacefully and when i awoke this morning i actually felt like a glowing ember was in my belly near my root chakra, it was a fantastic feeling!

all is better now xx


I would do the above - no doubt - but also I have a little charm..... put the name of the person in a plastic baggie - fill it with water and put it in the freezer...... Think about this person leaving you alone and forgetting you exist while you write their name. We did it in red ink....not sure why but I felt it had to be done in red ink.

Blessings to you GC!