New Year Love Spread

Haunted Wood

Hi all, I thought I would share this spread I just made to give an overview of my love life in 2009. It's short with only 4 cards, but I prefer this to having a card for each month as with other yearly spreads. I think that this spread could point to all kinds of love and not just romantic. Love comes in many forms and the cards could have a message for you about love in general, romance, self love etc. :)

Divide the deck into Court Cards, Majors, Aces, and the rest of the suited cards so that you have four piles. Shuffle each pile and draw one card off the top of each pile. There's no shape for this spread, I just laid them out in a row.

1. Court Card - Who will be most influential to my love life in 2009?

2. Major - What major lesson will I learn this year in regards to love?

3. Ace - What new beginning, opportunity and potential is there for my love life in 2009?

4. Suited card - What advice do you have for me about my love life in 2009?


Thanks :)

Great spread, I will try it out for myself! :)


This goes in my journal. Actually I don't even need to write it down, I'll be using it for friends who constantly ask about their love life.

I just tried it for myself, on myself. It was an honest (almost brutally honest) answer to a vague question.

Thanks for this one.

Haunted Wood

Billy-boy said:
This goes in my journal. Actually I don't even need to write it down, I'll be using it for friends who constantly ask about their love life.
Glad you liked it. :)


I just tried this and it really is a great spread! It was very clear and very helpful. Thanks so much for sharing it! :)



This was fun!

I just did this too and it matched everything the cards have been pointing to the last two weeks. I'm saving this spread! Thanks for sharing!

Sonia Doris

Hi Haunted Wood! I just found your spread, it seems pretty great, added it in my notebook and will try it asap! ^^ Thanks!


thanks for sharing :)

quick, easy and so relevant !

thanks just did mine and i'm not surprised by what came up. so that is always good.

Happy 2016 !