Number that keeps coming up...


Okay, specialists! I am at a loss on this one. For the past 2 or so years, everytime I take a quick glimpse at the clock, in the evening, whether I am in bed, getting ready for bed, or on the computer (like a few minutes ago) it is 10:31. Always. My husband and I joked about it for a while, always saying "Happy Halloween" to each other when I pointed it out. But now it is just getting downright weird. Obviously it means something and isn't going to go away until I get my facts down as to what it is trying to tell me. Any thoughts on this? I really would like to solve this puzzle....


I don't know what the 10:31 would mean symbolically--but I found it funny that you and your husband would say "Happy Halloween". maybe there is also something to THAT! I realize it's because of the two numbers, but on Halloween, since we are suppose to be somewhat taken by surprise, I wonder if the symbolism of this number would be the same--a surprise?

It's early morning here, though I did already have my tea, so excuse me if I am sounding quite bizarre, but to me, this sounds like a possibility.

so, think back to when you've seen 10:31. have you also soon after been surprised by anything? Just a thought.

keep us posted--I'd like to know if you are able to figure this symbolism out!


I confess, I don't know - it sounds like a very personal message to me.

Samhain on the 31st of the 10th month - the threshold between worlds at its thinnest? Taking note of honouring our ancestors perhaps? What does Halloween mean to you?


Four is a solid base, a good foundation
The cross, the 4 directions of the compass, the 4 elements etc.

Did anyone you know die at 10:31?

Keep thinking and looking, the answer is there somewhere.


good thinking, milfoil! yes, possibly someone you know who either died at 10:31 or died on 10-31. maybe someone trying to make contact--as milfoil mentioned-the threshold between the worlds is at it's thinnest---so maybe that will help you determine what it means.


So far, no one we know has died or was born on 10/31. No particular event happened on that day in either of our lives, except, of course, that it is Halloween. I do like the reference to honouring my ancestors, though. That makes a lot of sense. Learning about and honouring ancient cultures, traditions, that of my own, even using decks about ancient cultures, statues and my recent Altar of Ancients. With the veil being at its thinnest on that night, I have been thinking a lot about incorporating more of my own heritage and that of other ancient cultures into my main altar. Maybe it is time to create a prayer or small ritual honouring them before bed, at 10:31pm?!!

An interesting note...last weekend we were in Concord center and came upon a lovely Native American crafts store...very high quality. You would have loved it, Millie. After much browsing, I settle on picking out a fetish (and was reminded that the fetish picks me, not the other way around). The very ancient woman running the store was talking to me about it and I was talking about guides and totems when I mentioned I am part Mohawk. She looked at me and said "I am also Mohawk." We just grinned at each other! I can't wait to go back in and chat with her! While looking at them I expected to pick out an owl, but found myself constantly attracted to a carved jet raven. He had a myriad of meanings to me, one being that he is a traveller or companion to the underworld. Strange that I connected to something like that. A year ago it would have been a last choice. Little pieces of a puzzle seem to be gathering into place!


angel numbers says

103 Your thoughts and intentions are supported by God and ascended masters. They keep you focused on divine truth in all ways.

and add in 1..
Watch you thoughts. Focus on intentions and not fears.

My fears usually come true so no use ignoring them and acting blindly since they can only come true if you ignore them.


It feels as though your sub C has developed a timing interest, it being triggered by how fun and odd (interest) that it was accurate.

Ego's handi work , seeking to dominate the mind space. The thin edge of the wedge ,Interest ,then doubts, then stuck attention , then concern, next step , fears.

End result is circular thinking, or stuck attention. The playpen of the ego.


next urge to look at the clock ,count to 10 first, with staggered timing at your own pace , then purposefully sing, hum, scratch....Anything... But do it deliberatly.
This will return your ability to self determine. It took time to create the habit , it will take time to break it.


Well everyone with reasonable attunement to saturn can instantly sort of know time of day. I just look at it as a fun neat focus thing. Have cousin who's daughter will constantly tune to 11:11. And I tune to 4:44 sometimes and 11:11 sometimes.


but not to the point where it becomes worrying.


I would start paying attention to what (if anything) you feel when you happen to see this number. My initial reaction was to point to the idea of Halloween being a time to remember those who have gone on before us, those who have transitioned to other planes of existence, and things of that ilk. Perhaps there is the opportunity presenting itself to somehow learn from the experiences of others or perhaps, like the Death card, you are in a time of transition (aren't we all?) and the Powers that Be are pointing you in the direction of adaptability, the ability to go with the flow and be open to change. It's all very vague, I know.

What I have found is that the numbers are cyclical in my life, and I've thought about keeping a journal to mark the occasions when I happen to see them- 11:11, 111, 222, 333, 444, etc.- because they seem to show up when I'm in a particular state of duress or really struggling with a particular area. Also, as I pull and push with my Spirituality, I notice an increase in the numbers the closer I pull in to Spirit, and the more I push away the less I experience this phenomena. In any case, the numbers are fascinating and if nothing else I would say that it's simply the Universe telling you to live in the moment and be more aware. Kind of like a shooting star. These numbers center us in "the now" if only for a moment or two. It's like a Buddhist mindfulness bell calling us to be completely present in the moment.