Tarot for Yourself - entering a card


I tried this once with the Magician card in the RiderWaite deck. The reason I choose that card was that the picture was so dull, not inspiring and not in harmony with the qualities I think belong to a Magician. So I decided to take a look and feel what was true about the Magician, I know now.....
We had some snow some weeks ago and it was a nice bright night-sky with stars so I was outside with the dogs enjoying that when I thought of doing that. Take the position of RW's magician and feel.
This showed me the power of the magician, I literally felt it streaming from my upper hand to the lower, almost scared me.
But, this magician is a very strong card....



First card I did this with is the Strength card from Spiral. When
i looked at the card I thought she was trying to open the lions mouth, ala a lion tamer. After talking with her, I found out she was really holding the lions mouth shut. Sometimes it takes strength to know when to shut your mouth lol. When I asked for my gift I expected a flower, but she removed the Sun symbol from the lions head and gave it to me, now my astral self wears it as a necklace :)

If I remember correctly, the magician is standing in a hermetic magic position representing as above, so below. It is very powrful, and so is he. I have a picture of Jesus in this position on my computer somewhere


The card I entered for this exercise was The Guide (Temperance) from Tarot of the Old Path. There is not enough space to describe the experience ... it was so real. I was shocked as I had tried this before and was unable to enter, but this time I did. What was wierd was that I entered as one of the characters in the card and the character I spoke with was the Guide himself. Perhaps part of his gift to me was to make me that other character as the overall gift was one of opening my psychic senses and allowing me to feel what someone else felt. It was timely due to what was going on in my life at that time. I was able to feel the emotions I caused to someone else very vividly. I walked away much more aware of my surroundings and my impact on others. I walked away knowing I could no longer shut everyone out because now I knew how much it hurt them ... I had personally felt it. It was all about balance. Now when I look at that card and smile and say thank you every time. Having heeded the advice and remembering the experience always has really enriched my life since then and that of those close to me. To some degree I think I walked away some what of an emphath! wierd ...

Love & Light,


Jewel, once again we're on the same wavelength! I also entered Temperance for this exercise! I was using the Morgan Greer deck. I don't have my book with me (which has my notes in it), but a couple things I do remember:

My guide was an older gentleman that I didn't recognize but I got the feeling that I knew him. After I was done and writing down what I saw, I realized who it was supposed to represent...I think it was Talisman! ~LOL~ I'd read a few posts from him that same day, so I suppose they were sort of 'guiding' my subconscious through the visualization. (What do you think, T-man? Is 'Guide' another one of your roles in life? ;) )

When I was getting ready to go back out through the 'doorway' of the card's borders, I noticed that there were other people all over the place that had also taken the journey to witness the Temperance angel's activities. It almost seemed like an initiation of sorts.

All in all, I had an unexpectedly rich experience. I can't wait until the next visualization exercise in the book!




Melvis. (12 Jan, 2002 07:08):
Jewel, once again we're on the same wavelength! I also entered Temperance for this exercise! I was using the Morgan Greer deck.

Hey Melvis!!! So glad you came to join this study group too! :p

Temperance was definetly a "trip" ~giggles~ ... Since then I entered the King of Wands which is my inner teacher card (Robin Wood deck) ... low and behold if I did not enter that card all dressed up like the Queen of Wands *ROFLAMO* ... honestly!!!! Mind you the Queen of Wands is my Moon card. It was quite an experience to say the least and in that meditation the King of Wands revealed to me how closely related he is to the Magician ... action ... will ... will into action ... very neat stuff. He also pointed out to me that the Magician is my Tarot teacher ... but I have not had a chance to go and enter the Magician card yet. Perhaps I will enter the Magician card of a deck other than the Robin Wood lest I get distracted and forget all about the real reason I am entering the card *ROFLMAO.*

Another card I entered was Justice. It is my shadow card and year card. That is a great card to enter. If you liked your experience with Temperance I think you would enjoy the Justice card. Same feel, different atmosphere. Hard to explain.

Love & Light,


The Sun from the Goddess Tarot

I tried to enter this card and it didn't work...there could have been concentration issues...But does anyone have any hints about letting go enough to enter the card? Did you keep staring at it, or did you close your eyes to "enter"?

I know I am late to the party...but maybe you'll be kind enough to share your thoughts anyway?


I don't know how anyone else does it, but I closed my eyes, and used my imagination to get me over the 'threshhold' of the card (kinda like going through a doorway made by the card's outer edges).

When I got beyond the threshhold, I just tried to relax and let the view in my mind spread out from what can be seen outside the card. When you get stuck, just ask yourself what your other senses are experiencing...can you hear anything? Any smells? How does the ground feel beneath your feet? It seems like once you let your mind wander about the scene, details start to come into focus without you having put them there. (Does this make *any* sense? ;) :D )

Like I said, I don't know if this is how it is for anyone else, but this was my experience.

Good luck!




I am going to have to try again in a few more days, your reply did help some. I think I have a concentration problem, My kids kept waking up and Dh doesn't always get it that I am not "availible"...
It's a guy thing I guess...



I have never heard of this before, well actually in the series 'the Chronicals of Amber' the Trumps can be addressed and entered by invitation, or the character comes out of the card. But that's a book.
Where did you folks find info on this?
How is it done. I have a hard time with meditation, the self-induced meditaion, I go into spotainious meditation at times. I usually end up asleep.


It's an exercise in the first or second chapter of the Mary Greer book Tarot for Yourself.