Same dream all week!


For a week I've had similar vivid dreams that I remember quite well, which is unusual. All involve me running/being chased. FirstI was chased down a road my alligators, then I was chased down an alley by plant monsters, then I was stalked through a dark mall by an obsessed security guard, and after a dream of being hounded by wolves, running form an insane woman in the snow, I finish the week by dreaming of running down flights of stairs in a tall tower with two male companions.
I DID try to look these dreams up, to little success. I found that chases usually mean I have a long life, but with 6 similar dreams in a row, how long am I going to live? :)
Any help would be vastly appreciated. It's been bugging me.


Have you try to do a "dream spread?" here is a link to the thread on dream spreads .

Give it a try.


Its not im an expert in interpreting dreams, but to me its clear that being chased and running its just a reflection of a thing that its going wrong. You're trying or needing to escape from something, or not facing things that are needed to do.
At least, to me being chased usually means to be trapped in a situation or a moment of my life wich i don't like and i want to skip.
When you're having the same theme in the dreams during a period of time, is that this is important to you in a psychological aspect.
Try to analize how were you feeling in the dreams: nervous, having fear, seeking for something...? How ended the dreams?Whats worrying you nowadays? Etc...
Dreams are telling you something. Just analize that and try to look the things around you to fix what is wrong.

Hope it helps.


you spoke of being hounded, people were described as insane or obsessed.

do you feel like you are working your butt off, trying to get ahead, but people are always expecting more from you? wanting more? there's always something that won't let you relax?


INteresting. Definatly try asking what the dreams are all about. I get lots of dreams about not being able to climb stairs or a hill and it's usually not a good sign in my life. Something is obviously makeing you uncomfortable. Check it out.


I have never heard of being chased to represent long life. zorya is on the right track. The words you use to explain your dream have much to do with the message the dream is trying to express.
I would compare the symbols collectivly...the aligators, wolves, etc.....the snow, the road, ect. see if there is some common assocation in your mind. Feelings should also be noted...perhaps rate each dream from 1-5, see if it is increasing or decreasing


A long time ago I was troubled by these chase dreams. One day I just had it, I didn't want to be scared in my dreams any more, so I just stopped, turned and faced my chasers. I ended up dying in my dreams the first few times, but It felt like a relief. After a while my chasers just fled when I turned. Since that day I've never been chased in a dream, I've always been the hero, the rebel that faces evil.
I suppose something like this happend in my real life, I must have had a change of attitude that helped my manipulate my dreams.

I can strongly advise you to try and take control of your dream and just turn around. It might be easier than figuring out what is chasing you in real life but you will get the same result bacausse you end up changing your attitude.
I hope this helps you find your night time peace back!


fatham said:
INteresting. Definatly try asking what the dreams are all about. I get lots of dreams about not being able to climb stairs or a hill and it's usually not a good sign in my life. Something is obviously makeing you uncomfortable. Check it out.

I also have lots of dreams about stairs. This is usually that you're feeling its getting difficult to move forward in a thing you need to do so. Its an advice to take more action and effort.

@ temperlyne: how do you manage to control your dreams? Im unable to do that, what i would like to do it.


I've always been able to manipulate my dreams. I just take a pause and remember that it is in fact a dream and that I am in control.
It is like I'm reading a book, I can jump caracters to see the story from all sides. BUt at the same time If I'm not liking the way it is going, When I get the feeling I've gone through it all before and it wasn't pleasant, I just force myself to change my way of behaving. Stop running for instance.
I only try to change the chain of events when I feel I'm repeating something nasty that will not teach me anything new.

I think everyone could be able to manipulate their dreams, after all it all happens inside your own mind in you are in control there.


Inana said:
@ temperlyne: how do you manage to control your dreams? Im unable to do that, what i would like to do it.

I used to have a dream that I fell down, until I was able to enter the dream and tell myself: you are not really falling, this is a dream and you can wake up any time you want to.
Don't know how I managed to do that, but it is my experience the more attention you give to dreams, the better you are able to understand or control them. I could never set myself to keeping a dream diary though...when I wake up at night I'm just too sleepy to write anything down.

Maybe you would like to read "Conscious dreaming" by Robert Moss, I found it very interesting. Also Donald Kraig in "Modern Magick" mentions in the first chapter how you can control your dreams if you do a protection rite. Don't know what else he writes about it though, I haven't got very far in that book yet ;) (it is quite heavy going...) but maybe you don't really need a book, just paying attention to the dream could do the trick. Hope this helps !!