the all-singing, all-dancing ENABLING THREAD!

The crowned one

As I already bought it I do not need enabling, just support ;) I won a 64' Church of light that promptly doubled in price when post was quoted.

Do we love this deck?? :D


Gosh, yes. Never heard of it before, but I love it nevertheless.


The crowned one said:
As I already bought it I do not need enabling, just support ;) I won a 64' Church of light that promptly doubled in price when post was quoted.

Do we love this deck?? :D

Is that anything to do with the Brotherhood of Light Tarot?
Either way I'm sure it's wonderful! :)


Stumbled into a thread earlier today and found a new deck that I simply MUST have.

Le Grand Tarot Universel

And i can't find it! There were a couple links to French sites, but I am never comfy shopping from a place where I need translating. :(

I need help!

Le Fanu

emmsma said:
Le Grand Tarot Universel

I need help!

Sorry. Can't help you with that one. Don't know the deck. Links not working either so it's a good excuse not to have more decks burning my retina with their desire to be owned!

I was disappointed by the enabling on the Tarot of the Sephiroth. Do not feel enabled in the slightest, and in the meantime, Ive gone off it anyway. So much for skilled enabling.

Anyway.. now Im onto another. Tarot Chest has the Deva Tarot in stock. I really feel I ought to support them in times of crisis. Anyone care to enable me?

I like the weirdly disproportioned circus poster-type art, and the Mosque-style keyhole that you look at the card through.

And those androgynous acrobat figures in loincloths.

And, a whole new suit - the Triax (?) - for me to invent meanings for. Now how great is that??

I want some serious enabling from someone who has it...


I have Instant Gratification issues... I hate ordering online because I want things NOW...

That being said, I'm thinking about the Ferret Tarot, which is self-published and can't be gotten except by online order. Enable me!


emmsma said:
Stumbled into a thread earlier today and found a new deck that I simply MUST have.

Le Grand Tarot Universel

And i can't find it! There were a couple links to French sites, but I am never comfy shopping from a place where I need translating. :(

I need help!
The French sites work fine. Be brave. It is gorgeous. If you haven't made it by the time I am back in the land of hi speed, I will HELP you.

As for the Ferret - that is a MUST HAVE. Run, don't walk to your nearest paypal. While you're there, get her Chat du Marseille as well. The creator is here and an ace person; have no fear; BUY !


nisaba said:
<puzzled> How could this happen? To any of us.

I know! <points accusingly> You've been buying FOOD, haven't you! And clothes. And maybe even ENTERTAINMENT, you fool! Don't you know how to prioritise?

...I think I want the Cat Wisdom cards... not a tarot, but CUTE :heart::heart::heart:

:eek: NOT A TAROT DECK!!!!


Taamar said:
That being said, I'm thinking about the Ferret Tarot, which is self-published and can't be gotten except by online order. Enable me!
I used to have a pet goat and I know for a fact that ferrets get on well with goats, so this deck should sit nicely with any of your GD-based decks: the GD itself, the Thoth, the RW ... they all feature goats or goat-bits somewhere or other.


Did someone say FERRET? must get this deck. It is extraordinary. It may not look like it at first glance...but it is.Truly.

The Ferret is hands down one of my very favorites in the tarot universe.
It is the deck I go to when I need a new perspective, or a brand new different way of looking at things. It always makes the "usual" cards take on new and unusual meanings for me. I can always see something fresh in this deck, and it has more than a little humor as well.

You won't regret it. It's a great deal, and an extraordinary deck.