crystal ally card study group: Petrified Wood


Petrified Wood/Beginnings

Image: the great world tree rises up from a rocky landscape. Petrified Wood planets, stars, and galaxies seemed closer than normal.

This person may not realize that she is on a new path. She may keep repeating unhealthy family patterns. She may be torn between materialism and a more conscious lifestyle. Emotionally, she may not understand what is causing the problems in her life. She may worry that she has not learned from the mistakes in her past. Spiritually, she may sense the divinity in nature but not know how to connect with it. She may have past life or genetic memories that she does not understand. Or she may be drawn to nature-based spirituality.

This ally will help her to know that she is on a new path. She is releasing scarcity programming and greed. She’s becoming more attuned to nature and is able to access practical information when she spends time there. It will be easier for her to change her lifestyle to a more natural one, if that is her goal.

On the emotional level, she can easily identify and release family issues so that she can connect with her ancestors’ wisdom. She will have more confidence in her own wisdom. She will feel stronger.

Spiritually, she will be able to connect with ancestors, nature spirits, and memories of past lives easily. This may happen through her dreams. She will understand how special it is to have a physical body and be on the earth at this time.

If this is a health question, it may concern atrophy, musculoskeletal issues, liver, or bone marrow issues.