crystal ally card study group: Fire



Image: flames leap into a red sky above a rocky surface. A bright yellow sun represents the ultimate source of fire.

This person is sluggish, afraid to take action, or feeling disempowered. She may not feel very creative. She may be hanging onto a lot of things or people who are blocking her ability to move forward. She may even have beliefs that no longer serve her. She’s probably feeling weighed down by all of this. She may be overwhelmed by feelings so that she has trouble taking action. Spiritually, she may have a hard time “facing her demons”.

The fire element is associated with the second and third chakras. It governs action, empowerment, creativity, and passion. The fire element card combines all these things to swiftly transform her life. She will quickly let go of possessions or places that are holding her back. She may have to watch these things be destroyed and recreated. This may feel intense but will free her passion and creativity. She will be able to take action and she may even be a little hyper!

She may begin to feel a type of relief as if she has been purified by swift transformation. She may even be happy that these changes are happening. On the spiritual level, she will have much more courage and confidence. She will believe in herself. She may be attracted to purifying fire ceremonies such as the Agnihotra.

If this is a health question, this element relates to digestion, metabolism, the endocrine system, sexuality and fertility issues.
