Medieval Scapini - Six of Cups

Lady Iron Side

The Six of Cups

"to the past"

6 cups - show different ways to face old age.

6 elderly people, each with a vessel symbolizing the faith that has blessed his or her life.

(Christian Widow opposite a Pegan.)
(Male magician opposite a femal witch.)
(Yogi/Hindu opposite a monk-greek.)

All men are gray haired, and the women are bent with age.

Good Witch - child hood, memories

Widow - rosary - poor choices, trauma, mistakes, indecision of love,

Lidded cup - longing, courtshio, new acquaintances, lack of affection,

Wizzard cup - old age, vanished, faded, the past,

Ascetic - Gold cup - lotus - promise of better times , regeneration, resurrection, renewal, the future,

Monk = greek - plans may fail, that which will soon come to pass, shortly, soon, after,

Flowers - kindness, caring, love, happiness, freedon, healing, compassion, joy, grace,


I find this card is one of the busier ones in the deck, full of activity and colour.

I actually get quite different associations from teh various images that makes up this cup to yourrs. for example the "lidded cup" is a beer tankard: is has froth coming out of its lid and dribbling down the side of it, and in front of it is a red figure, part-fool, part-demon, vomiting. To me, this is the foolishness of wasting one's whole life on addictions.

Your "wazard Cup" to me is the wealth of memories of a rich and spiritual life: the robes and beard imply spirituality, and I see the Cup as being made from green Jade, and filled to the brim with symbols of knowledge and activity, including a pair of compasses which is both a Freemasonry symbol and an engineering tool.

I see the "ascetic" as actual statuary, and the Cup on its shoulders as a birdbath. The lotus offers spiritual connection - but it also offers a place for juvenile frogs to sit, and the flower offers nectar as food for the visiting birds. I don't see it as ascetic for those reasons - I see it as fulsome, life-affirming, and as a gift back from man to nature.

Just shows how differently people can see the symbolism of the same images! <smile>