

Tarotbear: I like your circle in a minute--it is easy to comprehend since you've distilled the process admirably!


i tried the ouija website. didn't learn anything i wanted to hear so i guess i shouldn't have asked? :D i can't remember having a bad ouija experience even tho my mother tried to use one w/ me when i was a child. perhaps it was plain dumb luck nothing happened. we just pushed it thing around the board making nonsense words. my mother, siblings and i played around w/ all kinds of divination for years before anything bad happened. i think i was around 20 and my youngest sister around 10. we were playing w/ automatic writing. she contacted a malevolent spirit that loved her and hated the rest of us. we started having poltergiest activity at night. vases being broken, footsteps and other odd noises all over the house. my sister took to sleeping w/ the lights in her room on, the tv blaring and the radio playing in order to tune out the noise of the restless spirits. i made the mistake of staying in the room w/ her one night. she was 12 by then. i was awakened about 3 am by a spirit pacing from my bed to hers shaking each bed as it passed. i could actually hear the footsteps. i was too afraid to move the next few hours until dawn. it was a few years before i'd stay at my mother's house again. seeing or hearing spirits in this house was nothing new to me. i'd heard spirits there since i was around 11 that others eventually confirmed they heard, too. but this was the first time i was that terrified. it took about 10 years before the activity in the house died down. believe me, we don't want to do anything that might call whatever it was up again! back then i didn't know about casting circles of protection of anything like that. if anything like it happens again, i will definitely do so w/o hesistation!!!!!!!!!


Thank you. Meewah! As we enter into the season of Samhain, maybe everyone should learn to cast a circle.

As for grounding- that is something that works differently for different people and sometimes you have to experiment with several different ways to find which works best for you, or in a particular situation. Some people stand and picture roots growing out of their feet, going through the floor into the earth and all the excess energy draining away and out of them. Some people merely go 'outside' and stand on the grass, take a walk on the beach - somewhere out in nature but far from the madding crowds. Sometimes it is best to take a shower and picture the excess energy washing off you and down the drain. Basically, grounding is a 'stilling' process where you learn to recognise what is happening and shedding what you don't want, then seeing it dissapate so it doesn't bother anyone else.



That web site was the reason I started the post. So much quirky information and such wonderfull art.

I'm very glad you enjoyed it.


jade (17 Oct, 2001 14:55):
as the moderator of this section of aecletic tarot forums i have to read all the posts but i can tell you i hoped that this one would just be ignored when i saw it. i have heard and seen such dark, negative experiences with these 'portals'. that's what i believe they are. they open a portal and negative spirits can easily come through these.

you can believe or disbelieve in these, but personally i've never heard of a good experience with them and i even dread having to read the posts on them.

that said, now i suppose everyone will post on this topic like crazy. just my luck.

(joking) solandia, can i be reassigned? LOL

love and total complete light,

Jade, have you ever heard of the "Seth" books by Jane Roberts? Or the "Michael" books by Chelsea Quinn Yarboro ? Both were some of the most popular and metaphysical channeled books , and Both channelled spirits originally came through on a ouiga board. I have no idea if you have read or are familiar with either of these. But I have read most all the books on both of them and I believe there is much light and wisdom there , and that they are not "evil".
If ouiga is a portal , doesn't it have the Potential for both good and bad to come through? Wouldn't the portal itself be neutral? It possibly does have the potential for bad spirits, and I would be cautious for sure. But I was just pointing out that I Believe some "Good spirits " have come through ouiga boards at times also. And other forms of divination would have the potential for good or evil , even tarot cards!


I've just paid a visit to the Ouija site, (that's just about as close as I want to get to a spirit board) certainly informative but I get the cold shivers when I think of all those spirit boards been received as gifts, played with by children and all the damage they can do.
I've posted on these boards before about spirit boards, don't understand how they can be sold as toys and would never have one in my house - I've seen what they can do and have no intention of being that close to one again.



i agree that positive entities can come thru a board...............but i don't know many inexperienced children, teens or adults understand the need to set up the protections and cautions to get to the positive. my concern is for them.

i have personally done more than a few banishing rituals at someone's home because they have negative spirits playing havoc.

besides, i'm allowed to have my opinion and my opinion of ouija boards is not a postive one.

blessed be.


Hi to All,

I find that the mere word Ouija stirs up many emotions in people. My friend in England told me recently that Ouija has been banned there for years, I had no idea. I remember reading in a book that psychics there were protesting at one time to take them out of children's hands. It seems that in america alot of classic psychic writers push the Ouija as a tool and the Christian movement calls it the devil's toy.

I've used Ouija for many years and I do think there is something spiritual to it. The subconcious mind is, in my humble opinion, directing the planchette some of the time. I also think the subconcious mind is a repressed and angry part of one's personality. I've played it with certain people and everytime it would spell out nasty and violent things. Some people need to leave the dark half "dark" and leave Ouija playing to the more sage type of persons.

I don't talk on the board very much anymore, for some reason when playing it often ,in the last few years, I know what it's going to spell ahead of time. I also had a couple of hauntings (maybe caused by Ouija??) that kept me up all night with noises like dishes rattling. They stole and hid stuff too. LOL... I have an antique wood Fuld "Mystifying Oracle" model that sits in my closet and a I pull it out everyonce in awhile, but if I get a feeling like I'm being tricked or lied to, I put it away again.

I used to be puzzled at people who were afraid of Ouija, but honestly now I do think it could cause alot of harm and be very dangerous depending on the circumstances.

A good psychic friend gave me this advice "With Ouija/Automatic writing it is like you are talking on the phone, the problem is that you don't know who the hell your talking to or that person's intentions". Hmmm that makes me think really hard about talking board sets.

God Bless,



Freddie (25 Oct, 2001 12:17):

A good psychic friend gave me this advice "With Ouija/Automatic writing it is like you are talking on the phone, the problem is that you don't know who the hell your talking to or that person's intentions". Hmmm that makes me think really hard about talking board sets.


OUCH! That's a very scarey, but excellent way to phrase it.


Has anyone had ZOZO appear on their boards?

My friend needed an exorcism like ritual to absolve himself of this Ouija board terror that followed him throughout the US. Finally ZOZO moved on. I have heard of a few people that have had this entity take over their boards and cause really weird things to occur....hmmm.

Personally I have had no 'real' bad experiences with the board. As a paranormal reseacher I plan to use a board with caution to open direct contact with some entities who I know all too personnally.

Look forward to results this Novemebr......