So how many forms of Divination are there?


Milfoil...thanks for making me think!
Yeah...I guess my categories would be a little off...because in many ways ALL divination comes down to... "receiving an insight from...?"

It's the where it comes from that is still the big question for me.

I believe you can use the same method, but get an answer form an entirely different source.

Maybe that's just me though. I can do a reading with say...tarot, and many times it feels like the answer comes from subconscious or higher self.

Then other times...I do a reading and it feels like the answer is coming from an entity that is entirely separate from me...a goddess...God...the Universe...the Creative Source...a spirit.

But then who's to say that I am really entirely separate from this source? I don't think I am...I believe in a divine interconnectedness all all things...

But what I am trying to that the reading FEELS different. It feels like someone(not me)is telling me something, rather than pulling it from my subconscious.

Then there are times where I don't feel like anything or anyone is guiding what cards come feels completely random, spontaneous....and STILL there is an answer. An insight.

I knew a kid who read cards just by reading the lwb meanings, and rephrasing them in different words. And people in my tarot class thought he was an awesome reader.
He was a psychology major and the skeptic and psychic debunker. He didn't believe for one second that the cards were tapping into anything, and he saw the whole thing as a great big con that he could manipulate. can't deny that whatever his still worked, and people still came away from his readings with answers.

That's why it was hard to categorize the methods of divination, because are they all technically coming down to the same thing?

I think Guide Work and Scrying feels like a more direct way to connect to that source, and that's why they are always harder (by far!) for me to do than any of the other category methods that I grouped.

But do you think these categories a whole?
I really wasn't trying to get to the why divination much as the How To ...and how anyone can divine with enough practice and imagination.

And maybe that's the key to all of this? Having imagination. Though I am convinced that imagination is tied directly to the source as well.

I guess I shouldn't wonder anymore why I never tried to publish this book...there's still so much that I need to reconsider!

Thanks for starting this discussion Milfoil!

Dancing Bear

ooo you forgot the pendulum.. :D

How divination works has been a question i have and do often think about.
where does it come from.. how do many of us come up with the things we do.. and how can we be so on the nose with strangers lives.. where is all the information coming from? Is it a whirlpool of knowledge we are tapping into? are we receiving it all from spirit, sometimes we know other times we dont? Is it all just us all coming from within? Imagination is definatley a key.. we have been brought up not to use it in certain ways as that is not good...having over active imaginations.seeing ghosts and monsters LOL!! . Hmm this i struggle with it still though... I see Imagination as the very best thing anyone can possess..just depends the intent and how we use it..
Maybe its the place imagination comes from we also use this place to divine? Its not imagination but somethign very different , but comes from the same place in that stuff we call grey matter?
What are we really tuning into?


I know just what you mean about some readings feeling different Chronata. In fact some readings I do, regardless of the system I use, I feel very much 'in control' and its me who is searching for the meaning. Then there are those other readings where I read back what I have written (if I have made notes or it is online) or the person comments on something I have said and I realise that I had no idea that I wrote/said that!!!!!!!, I feel as though 'I' was somewhere else. I don't know where those messages come from (I can guess but that's all).

Definitely, it is worth having categories on an academic level and, as you say, some people find it easier to work with specific types of system. Scrying can be the most difficult yet the most direct connection to non-ordinary information so perhaps it takes longer to learn but oracle divination with its set meanings are perhaps easier to begin with.

The interesting thing though, to me, is that no matter where you start, what system/s you find works for you, what culture you come from, how you learned or anything else, it is the amazing connection to something greater than ourselves that blows me away. And it is available to everyone. It is as though the Universe built in this fantastic 'Easter Egg' (a PC gaming term for a cool, extra, surprise reward not listed in the manual) which anyone can access if they want to.


Dancing Bear said:
ooo you forgot the pendulum.. :D

How divination works has been a question i have and do often think about.
where does it come from.. how do many of us come up with the things we do.. and how can we be so on the nose with strangers lives.. where is all the information coming from? Is it a whirlpool of knowledge we are tapping into? are we receiving it all from spirit, sometimes we know other times we dont? Is it all just us all coming from within? Imagination is definatley a key.. we have been brought up not to use it in certain ways as that is not good...having over active imaginations.seeing ghosts and monsters LOL!! . Hmm this i struggle with it still though... I see Imagination as the very best thing anyone can possess..just depends the intent and how we use it..
Maybe its the place imagination comes from we also use this place to divine?

Is it all just coming from within? To me, that's another big key, it seems to come from both within and without which sort of proves the interconnectedness of all things. I can't put it into words - I just sort of know what I mean (sorry).

I've been looking around the globe at all the different cultures who use divination as part of their lives and it seems that all (bar none) have done so at one time or another, even the bible has references to dreams being interpreted, seers and prophets. They are all tapping into the same source, albeit with local variations of belief.

Dancing Bear

The question i have is though .. where is that place we are all tapping into?

Some diviners are absolutely spot on, and even they cant believe it.. and are blown away by the accuracy..
Some diviners get most right but not all.. but are extatic at what they do get right.
Some are matter of factly .. LOL! and thats cool too!!

Now we all gotta be tapping in somewhere into something..
Sometimes i wonder whether its the person we are reading..that is the source. we just know how to get to that information that they themselves cant see or forgotten..

I see the ability comeing from within us..and maybe even some hidden knowledge and wisdom that we have picked up along the way. in this life and maybe many life times. This ability i see is us being able to tune in!!

But its the external source i am fasinated about. where are we getting this info from? HOW?

I know for me when i read and the information seems to be coming from thin air.. My entire body is hyper sensative and it is receiving information from many sources unknown to me,, they just are!!
I feel , see, know, hear etc etc.. it all rolls in , i roll it out on my tongue as is.. and it all is relevant and detailed enough so it is not mistaken , nor broad enough it could fit anyone.. it is specific to the person... It blows me away I can do this..
ANd yet i can do this with NO divination tool at all.. But that gets too freaky for people.. so i at least grab their palm.. so they think i am reading that.

So as someone else said here before there are as many divination tools as there are people.. we conjur something up, that is relevant to us, that we understand and our energy level will tune into easily enough... that will trigger this state of mind, and or body we need to read..
I use to use an great big natural clear quartz for readings..i got the client to hold it for a bit.. I then held it and read.
Now i use Tarot because that is what clients relate to..and i found a deck i can relate to also.. If i didnt find a deck i could relate to.. I would still be using Runes or the Palm.. in which i still use along side Tarot....

I dont remember most of my readings.. Just the odd one here and there.. But within an hour I have forgotten majority of any reading..


For me, that 'place' is both within and without. We are parts of it like a drop of water is a part of the ocean, indivisible and yet with the capacity to be unique.

I guess we are all different, some are like a state of the art, Global satellite communication system, some are like a big plasma TV and others are like two cans with a string between them! The information is out there but some are better conductors than others I think and it seems to be that with practice and work we can all improve our 'reception'. :)

I know what you mean about forgetting the readings though, its as though it wasn't for us, we were merely the conduit for that message. Looking at it that way, ego has no place there it just gets in the way, all the ego, hope, fear stuff does I think.


I've only found Tarot about a month ago and would I ever love an answer to your question. I find the tarot very interesting and would love to some day be able to read for others but at this point I'm certainly not feeling that will ever be a possibility.

Have you always been able to read people or is this something you learned to do along the way? I know I have read that anyone can learn to read the Tarot but I'm beginning to have my doubts as most people I ask seem to have had this gift for as long as they can remember. I read over and over about developing my intuition but is that really the key to reading people, or is it something that some people just have in them that others don't.

Dancing Bear said:
The question i have is though .. where is that place we are all tapping into?

Some diviners are absolutely spot on, and even they cant believe it.. and are blown away by the accuracy..
Some diviners get most right but not all.. but are extatic at what they do get right.
Some are matter of factly .. LOL! and thats cool too!!

Now we all gotta be tapping in somewhere into something..
Sometimes i wonder whether its the person we are reading..that is the source. we just know how to get to that information that they themselves cant see or forgotten..

I see the ability comeing from within us..and maybe even some hidden knowledge and wisdom that we have picked up along the way. in this life and maybe many life times. This ability i see is us being able to tune in!!

But its the external source i am fasinated about. where are we getting this info from? HOW?

I know for me when i read and the information seems to be coming from thin air.. My entire body is hyper sensative and it is receiving information from many sources unknown to me,, they just are!!
I feel , see, know, hear etc etc.. it all rolls in , i roll it out on my tongue as is.. and it all is relevant and detailed enough so it is not mistaken , nor broad enough it could fit anyone.. it is specific to the person... It blows me away I can do this..
ANd yet i can do this with NO divination tool at all.. But that gets too freaky for people.. so i at least grab their palm.. so they think i am reading that.

So as someone else said here before there are as many divination tools as there are people.. we conjur something up, that is relevant to us, that we understand and our energy level will tune into easily enough... that will trigger this state of mind, and or body we need to read..
I use to use an great big natural clear quartz for readings..i got the client to hold it for a bit.. I then held it and read.
Now i use Tarot because that is what clients relate to..and i found a deck i can relate to also.. If i didnt find a deck i could relate to.. I would still be using Runes or the Palm.. in which i still use along side Tarot....

I dont remember most of my readings.. Just the odd one here and there.. But within an hour I have forgotten majority of any reading..


Original Question: So how many forms of Divination are there?
Maybe, in a nutshell = Limitless.

I belive that anything and everything (within our individual perceptions) can be used as a means of divination. Perhaps a list, likely an enormous one, would open fresh avenues to explore.

Bee :)


Bernice said:
Maybe, in a nutshell = Limitless.

I belive that anything and everything (within our individual perceptions) can be used as a means of divination. Perhaps a list, likely an enormous one, would open fresh avenues to explore.

Bee :)
Another case of Bee said what I said but better :)



Wikipedia lists many "common" methods of divination:

abacomancy /ˈæbəkɵmænsi/: by dust (Hebrew ’ābāq, dust + Greek manteia, prophecy)
acultomancy /əˈkʌltɵmænsi/ (also acutomancy): by needles (from acutomancy below, influenced by Latin acūleus, needle)
acutomancy /əˈkjuːtɵmænsi/ → see acultomancy above (Latin acus [acut-], needle + Greek manteia, prophecy)
adromancy /ˈædrɵmænsi/ → see alomancy below (from idromancy below, influenced by alomancy)
adryomancy→ see hydromancy below (metathesis of hydromancy)
aeromancy /ˈɛərɵmænsi/: by atmospheric conditions (Greek āēr, air + manteia, prophecy)
agalmatomancy /əˈɡɔːlmətɵmænsi/:[citation needed] by statues (Greek agalma [agalmat-], statue + manteia, prophecy)
aichmomancy /ˈɛkmɵmænsi/: by sharp objects (Greek aikhmē, spearhead + manteia, prophecy)
ailuromancy/aeluromancy → see under theriomancy below
alectormancy/alectromancy /əˈlɛktrɵmænsi/: by rooster sacrifice (Greek alektor, rooster + manteia, prophecy)
alectryomancy/alectoromancy → see under theriomancy below
aleuromancy¹ /əˈljʊərɵmænsi/: by flour; see also under chartomancy below (Greek aleuron, meal + manteia, prophecy)
alomancy/Halomancy /ˈælɵmænsi/ (also adromancy): by salt (Greek hals, salt + manteia, prophecy)
alphitomancy /ˈælfɨtɵmænsi/: by barley (Greek alphis [alphit-], barley + manteia, prophecy)
alveromancy /ælˈvɪərɵmænsi/:[citation needed] by sounds
amathomancy /ˈæməθɵmænsi/: by sand (Greek amathos, sandy soil + manteia, prophecy)
ambulomancy /ˈæmbjʊlɵmænsi/: by walking (Latin ambulāre, to walk + Greek manteia, prophecy)
amniomancy /ˈæmni.ɵmænsi/: by placenta (Greek amniōn, amnion + manteia, prophecy)
anemoscopy/anemomancy /ˌænɨˈmɒskɵpi/: by wind (Greek anemos, wind + -skopiā, observation)
anthomancy /ˈænθɵmænsi/: by flowers (Greek anthos, flower + manteia, prophecy)
anthropomancy /ænˈθrɒpɵmænsi/: by human sacrifice (Greek anthrōpos, human being + manteia, prophecy)
anthroposcopy /ænθrɵˈpɒskɵpi/: by physical appearance (Greek anthrōpos, human being + -skopiā, observation)
anthracomancy /ˈænθrəkɵmænsi/: by burning coals (Greek anthrax [anthrak-], charcoal + manteia, prophecy)
apantomancy /əˈpæntɵmænsi/: by chance encounters with animals (Greek apantein, to encounter + manteia, prophecy)
arachnomancy /əˈræknɵmænsi/: by spiders (Greek arakhnē, spider + manteia, prophecy)
archeomancy/archaeomancy /ˈɑrki.ɵmænsi/: by sacred relics (Greek arkhaios, ancient + manteia, prophecy)
arithmancy/arithmomancy/arithmosophy /ˈærɨθmænsi, əˈrɪθmənsi/ [1]: by numbers (Greek arithmos, number + manteia, prophecy)
ariolation /ˌæriɵˈleɪʃən/: by altars (Latin ariolus, hariolus, prophet)
armomancy /ˈɑrmɵmænsi/: by one's own shoulders (Latin armus, shoulder + Greek manteia, prophecy)
aruspicina: study of entrails [2]
aspidomancy /ˈæspɨdɵmænsi/: by sitting in a drawn circle (Greek aspis [aspid-], shield + manteia, prophecy)
astragalomancy/astragalamancy → see under cleromancy below
astragyromancy → see under cleromancy below (from astragalomancy above, perhaps influenced by Greek guros, spiral, circle, and therefore vertebra)
astrapomancy /ˈæstrəpɵmænsi/: by lightning (Greek astrapē, lightning flash + manteia, prophecy)
astrology/astromancy/astroscopy /əˈstrɒlɵʤi/: by celestial bodies (Greek astron, star + -logiā, study)
augury /ˈɔːɡjʊri/ → see under theriomancy below
auramancy /ˈɔːrəmænsi/: by auras (Greek aurā, breath + manteia, prophecy)
auspicy/auspication → see under theriomancy below (Latin avis, bird + specere, to look at)
austromancy → see under theriomancy below, /ˈɔːstrɵmænsi/: by wind (Latin auster, south wind + Greek manteia, prophecy)
avimancy → see orniscopy below (Latin avis, bird + Greek manteia, prophecy)
axiomancy/axinomancy /ˈæksi.ɵmænsi/: by axes (Latin axis, axis + manteia, prophecy)

batraquomancy/batrachomancy /bəˈtrækɵmænsi/: by frogs (Greek batrakhos, frog + manteia, prophecy)
belomancy/bolomancy /ˈbɛlɵmænsi/: by arrows (from bolomancy below, influenced by Greek belemnon, javelin, or belonē, needle)
bibliomancy → see chartomancy below
biorhythmic divination: by biorhythms
bletonism/bletonomancy /ˈblɛtənɪzm/: by water current (named for Monsieur Bleton, a French bletonist)
bolomancy /ˈbɒlɵmænsi/ → see belomancy above (Greek bolē, arrow + manteia, prophecy)
botanomancy /bɵˈtænɵmænsi/: by burning sage or figs (Greek botanē, flora + manteia, prophecy)
brizomancy → see oneiromancy below (Greek brizein, to be sleepy + manteia, prophecy)
brontomancy/brontoscopy /ˈbrɒntɵmænsi/: by thunder (Greek brontē, thunder + manteia, prophecy)
bumpology /bʌmˈpɒlɵʤi/: by bumps on the skin (English bump + Greek -logiā, study)
canomancy /ˈkænɵmænsi/ or /ˈkeɪnɵmænsi/: by dogs (Latin canis, dog + Greek manteia, prophecy)
capnomancy /ˈkæpnɵmænsi/: by smoke (Greek kapnos, smoke + manteia, prophecy)
carromancy /ˈkærɵmænsi/: by melting wax (Greek karrō, of wax + manteia, prophecy)
cartopedy → see under somatomancy below (Latin carta, papyrus paper + pēs [pēd-], foot)
cartomancy → see under chartomancy below
catoptromancy/captromancy → see under scrying below
causimancy/causimomancy /ˈkɔːzɨmænsi/: by burning (Greek kaiein [kaus-], to burn + manteia, prophecy)
cineromancy/ceneromancy /ˈsɪnərɵˌmænsi/: by ashes (Latin cinis [ciner-], ashes + Greek manteia, prophecy)
cephalomancy → see under somatomancy below
cephaleonomancy/cephalonomancy/ˌsɛfəliˈɒnɵmænsi/: by boiling a donkey's head (Greek kephalaion, head [with meaning influenced by Greek onos, donkey] + manteia, prophecy)
ceraunoscopy /ˌsɛrəˈnɒskɵpi/: by thunder and lightning (Greek keraunos, thunderbolt + -skopiā, observation)
ceromancy/ceroscopy /ˈsɛrɵmænsi/: by dripping wax in water (Greek kēros, wax + manteia, prophecy)
chalcomancy: by striking gongs or copper bowls (Greek khalkos, copper + manteia, prophecy)
chaomancy /ˈkeɪ.ɵmænsi/: by aerial visions (Greek khaos, primordial space + manteia, prophecy)
chartomancy /ˈkɑrtɵmænsi/: by things on paper (Greek khartēs, papyrus paper + manteia, prophecy)
cartomancy /ˈkɑrtɵmænsi/: by cards (Latin carta, papyrus paper + Greek manteia, prophecy)
taromancy/tarotmancy /ˈtærɵmænsi/: by tarot (English tarot + Greek manteia, prophecy)
stichomancy /ˈstɪkɵmænsi/: by books or lines (Greek stikhos, line of verse + manteia, prophecy)
aleuromancy² /əˈljʊərɵmænsi/: by fortune cookies (of the same origin as aleuromancy¹ above)
bibliomancy /ˈbɪbliɵmænsi/: by the Bible (Greek biblion, book + manteia, prophecy)
I Ching divination: by the I Ching or the accompanying I Ching manual
stoicheomancy/stoichomancy: by the Iliad and the Odyssey or the Aeneid (Greek stoikheion, element + manteia, prophecy; to the Greeks, Homer's writings were held in similar esteem to the Christian Bible or the Muslim Quran, as were Virgil's writings to the Romans, making them the basic — or elementary — reading material in each culture)
cheiromancy/chiromancy→ see under somatomancy below
cheirognomy/chirognomy → see under somatomancy below
chien tung → see kau cim below
choriomancy /ˈkɒri.ɵmænsi/: by pig bladders (Greek khorion, placenta + mantiea, prophecy)
chresmomancy /ˈkrɛsmɵmænsi/: by the ravings of lunatics (Greek khrēsmos, oracular utterance, chresm + manteia, prophecy)
chronomancy /ˈkrɒnɵmænsi/: by apt occasion (Greek khronos, time + manteia, prophecy)
clamancy (see also Fāl-gūsh): by random shouts and cries heard in crowds, at night, etc. (Latin clāmāre, to cry out + Greek manteia, prophecy)
cledonism/cledonomancy /ˈklɛdɵnɪzm/: by chance events or overheard words (Greek klēdon, rumor)
cleidomancy/clidomancy /ˈklaɪdɵmænsi/: by keys (Greek kleis [kleid-], key + manteia, prophecy)
cleromancy /ˈklɛrɵmænsi/: by casting (Greek klēros, lot + manteia, prophecy)
astragalomancy/astragalamancy /əˈstræɡəlɵmænsi/ (also cubomancy): by dice (Greek astragalos, vertebra + manteia, prophecy)
domino divination: by dominoes
favomancy /ˈfævɵmænsi/: by beans (Latin faba, bean + Greek manteia, prophecy)
Ogham casting: by Ogham letters
runecasting/Runic divination: by runes
cometomancy /kɵˈmɛtɵmænsi/: by comet tails (Greek komētēs, comet + manteia, prophecy)
colormancy/coloromancy: by colors (English color + Greek manteia, prophecy)
conchomancy /ˈkɒŋkɵmænsi/: by shells (Greek konkhē, mussel + manteia, prophecy)
cosquinomancy/coscinomancy /kɵˈsɪnɵmænsi/: by hanging sieves (Greek koskinōn, sieve + manteia, prophecy)
cottabomancy/cottobomancy /ˈkɒtəbɵmænsi/: by wine in a brass bowl (Greek kottabos, cottabus + manteia, prophecy)
craniognomy /ˌkreɪniˈɒɡnɵmi/ or /ˌkreɪniˈɒnəmi/ → see under somatomancy below (Greek krānion, skull + -gnōmoniā, interpretation)
the crawling baby: by a baby's crawling
crithomancy/critomancy /ˈkrɪθɵmænsi/: by barley cakes (Greek krithē, barley + manteia, prophecy)
cromnyomancy/cromniomancy /ˈkrɒmni.ɵmænsi/: by onion sprouts (alteration of Greek krommuon, onion + manteia, prophecy)
cryptomancy /ˈkrɪptɵmænsi/: by omens (Greek kruptos, hidden + manteia, prophecy)
crystal ball gazing → see under scrying below
crystal gazing → see under scrying below
crystallomancy /ˈkrɪstəlɵmænsi/ → see under scrying below (Greek krustallos, crystal + manteia, prophecy)
cubomancy /ˈkjuːbɵmænsi/ → see under cleromancy above (Greek kubos, cube + manteia, prophecy)
cyathomancy /ˈsaɪ.əθɵmænsi/: by cups (Greek kuathos, cup + manteia, prophecy)
cybermancy /ˈsaɪbərmænsi/: by computer oracles (English cyber(netics) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
cyclicomancy /ˈsɪklɨkɵmænsi/: by swirling water in a cup (Greek kuklikos, cyclical, circular + manteia, prophecy)
cyclomancy /ˈsɪklɵmænsi/ or /ˈsaɪklɵmænsi/: by wheels (Greek kuklos, circle + manteia, prophecy)
dactyliomancy /dækˈtɪliɵmænsi/: by finger rings (Greek daktulios, finger ring + manteia, prophecy)
dactylomancy /ˈdæktɨlɵmænsi/ : by means of finger movements (Greek daktulos, finger + manteia, prophecy)
daphnomancy /ˈdæfnɵmænsi/: by burning laurel wreaths (Greek daphnē, laurel + manteia, prophecy)
demonomancy /dɨˈmɒnɵmænsi/: by demons (Greek daimōn, divine power + manteia, prophecy)
dendromancy /ˈdɛndrɵmænsi/: by trees, especially oaks, yews, or mistletoe (Greek dendron, tree + manteia, prophecy)
deuteroscopy /ˌdjuːtəˈrɒskɵpi/: by second glance or double take (Greek deuteros, secondary + -skopiā, observation)
dictiomancy /ˈdɪkʃɵmænsi/: by randomly opening a dictionary (English dictio(nary) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
divining → see dowsing below
djubed → see under scrying below
dōbutsu uranai: by animal horoscope (Japanese dōbutsu, animal + uranai, prognostication)
domino divination → see under cleromancy above
dowsing (also divining, water witching): by a divining rod (of unknown origin)
dracomancy /ˈdrækɵmænsi/: by dragons (Greek drakōn, dragon + manteia, prophecy)
dream questions: by dreaming
dririmancy/driromancy /ˈdrɪərɨmænsi/: by dripping blood (alteration of drimimancy, influenced by Middle English drir, blood)
drimimancy/drymimancy /ˈdrɪmɨmænsi/: by bodily fluids (Greek drimus, pungent + manteia, prophecy)
eleomancy/elaeomancy: by oil (Greek elaion, olive oil + manteia, prophecy)
emonomancy → see demonomancy above[citation needed]
empyromancy /ɛmˈpaɪrɵmænsi/: by burning (Greek empurios, fiery + manteia, prophecy)
enochian chess: by playing a four·handed variant of the game
enoptromancy /ɛˈnɒptrɵmænsi/ → see under scrying below (Greek enoptron, looking glass + manteia, prophecy)
enthusiasm: speeches by those supposed to be possessed by a divine spirit
entomomancy/entomancy: by insects (Greek entomon, insect + manteia, prophecy)
eromancy /ˈɛrɵmænsi/: by water vessels exposed to air (Greek āēr, air + manteia, prophecy) — cf. aeromancy
extispicy/extispication /ɛkˈstɪspɨsi/: by the remains of sacrificed animals (Latin exta, entrails + specere, to look at)
favomancy → see under cleromancy above
felidomancy → see under theriomancy below (Latin fēlēs [fēlid-], cat + Greek manteia, prophecy)
feng shui → see under geomancy below
floriography/floromancy /ˌflɔriˈɒɡrəfi/: by flowers' feelings (Latin flōs [flōr-], flower + Greek -graphiā, representation)
fractomancy /ˈfræktɵmænsi/: by fractals (English fract(al) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
fructomancy/fructimancy: by fruit (Latin frūctus, fruit + Greek manteia, prophecy)
galvanoscopy /ˌɡælvəˈnɒskɵpi/: by galvanism (English galvan(ism) + Greek -skopiā, observation)
gastromancy¹ → see under scrying below
gastromancy² /ˈɡæstrɵmænsi/: by guttural sounds (Greek gastēr, belly + manteia, prophecy)
geomancy /ˈʤiːɵmænsi/: by earth (Greek Gaia|gē, earth + manteia, prophecy)
feng Shui divination: by Feng Shui
geloscopy /ʤɨˈlɒskɵpi/: by laughter (Greek gelōs, laughter + -skopiā, observation)
gematria: by the Hebrew alphabet (Greek gē, earth + -metriā, measurement)
genethlialogy: by birth dates (Greek genethlios, birthday + -logiā, study)
grammomancy /ˈɡræmɵmænsi/: by writing individual letters (Greek gramma, letter + manteia, prophecy)
graphology /ɡræˈfɒlɵʤi/ (also graptomancy): by studying handwriting (Greek graphē, writing + -logiā, study)
graptomancy /ˈɡræptɵmænsi/ → see graphology above (Greek graptos, written + manteia, prophecy)
gyromancy /ˈʤaɪrɵmænsi/: by dizziness (Greek gūros, spiral + manteia, prophecy)
hagiomancy: by saints (Greek hagios, holy + manteia, prophecy)
halomancy /ˈhælɵmænsi/ → see alomancy above.
hakata: by bones or dice
haruspicy/haruspication /həˈrʌspɨsi/ → see hepatoscopy below (Latin haru-, entrails + specere, to look at)
hematomancy/haematomancy /ˈhɛmətɵmænsi/ or /ˈhiːmətɵmænsi/: by blood (Greek haima [haimat-], blood + manteia, prophecy)
hepatoscopy/hepatomancy /ˈhɛpətɵmænsi/ (also haruspicy, haruspication): by liver (Greek hēpar [hēpat-], liver + -skopiā, observation)
hieromancy/hieroscopy /ˈhaɪrɵmænsi/ or /ˈhaɪərɵmænsi/: by studying sacrifices' entrails (Greek hieros, holy + manteia, prophecy)
hippomancy → see under theriomancy below.
horoscopy /hɵˈrɒskɵpi/: aspect of the Stars at nativity [4] (Greek hōrā, season + -skopiā, observation)
hydatomancy: by rainwater (Greek hudatis, raindrop + manteia, prophecy)
hydromancy/hydroscopy → see under scrying below
hyomancy: by wild hogs (Greek hūs, swine + manteia, prophecy)
hypnomancy /ˈhɪpnɵmænsi/: by sleep (Greek hupnos, sleep + manteia, prophecy)
I Ching divination → see under chartomancy above.
ichnomancy /ˈɪknɵmænsi/: by footprints (Greek ikhnos, track + manteia, prophecy)
ichthyomancy → see under theriomancy below
iconomancy /aɪˈkɒnɵmænsi/: by icons (Greek eikōn, image + manteia, prophecy)
idolomancy /aɪˈdɒlɵmænsi/: by idols (Greek eidōlon, phantom + manteia, prophecy)
idromancy → see alomancy above (Greek idrōs, sweat + manteia, prophecy)
ifá: by palm nuts
iridology: by eye color (Greek īris [īrid-], iris + -logiā, study)
isopsephy: by numbers and letters (Greek īsos, equal + psephos, pebble)
Jyotish: Vedic system of astrology
kabbalah/qabalah/cabala: by the Kabbalah (Hebrew qabbālâ, tradition)
kau cim: by bamboo
kephalonomancy /kəˈfælənɵmænsi/ → see cephaleonomancy above
keraunomancy /kɨˈrɒnɵmænsi/ → see ceraunoscopy above
knissomancy /ˈnɪsɵmænsi/: by incense (Greek knisa [kniss-], vapor + manteia, prophecy)
kypomancy → see under phyllomancy below (akin to Greek kupellon, goblet + manteia, prophecy)
labiomancy /ˈleɪbi.ɵmænsi/: by lips (Latin labium, lip + Greek manteia, prophecy)
lampadomancy /ˈlæmpədɵmænsi/: by flame (Greek lampas [lampad-], light + manteia, prophecy)
lecanomancy/lecanoscopy /lɨˈkænɵmænsi/: by a basin of water (Greek lekanē, basin + manteia, prophecy)
letnomancy: by secrets (English let no (one see) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
libanomancy /laɪˈbænɵmænsi/: by smoke from incense (Greek libanos, frankincense + manteia, prophecy)
literomancy /ˈlɪtərɵmænsi/: by a letter in a written language (Latin lītera, letter + Greek manteia, prophecy)
lithomancy /ˈlɪθɵmænsi/: by precious stones (Greek lithos, stone + manteia, prophecy)
logarithmancy /ˌlɒɡəˈrɪθmənsi/: by logarithms (English logarith(m) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
logomancy /ˈlɒɡɵmænsi/: by words (Greek logos, word + manteia, prophecy)
lots: divination through chance, or the drawing or tossing of lots[5]
lunamancy → see selenomancy below (Latin lūna, moon + Greek manteia, prophecy)
lychnomancy /ˈlɪknɵmænsi/: by candles (Greek lukhnos, lamp + manteia, prophecy)