Magic in a dream


I'm more writing this down to make sure I remember it but I am puzzled about one or two aspects.

In the normal, disjointed way that many dreams have, I am in a sort of school type place where I go outside with someone where they show me a special area. I can't remember clearly if it happened to me or if I saw it happening to someone else but I understood that to stand in this particular spot (a green place surrounded by trees yet not far from the buildings) was to become completely open to (and taken over by) a spirit who dwelt there and I could tell this was happening by the purple band of colour around their forehead.

We walk back to the school where we go to a large swimming pool. Nothing strange about the swimming pool, clear water, visible right down to the bottom of the deep end and I am walking around it, noticing more and more 'students' (adolescent) waiting. I know that the water is going to be very cold and don't want to dive in but know that I have to. I dive in and understand that the water is cold but don't actually feel it as such. I dive down and see penguins swimming at the bottom of the deep end. (now in real life I am not afraid of penguins but in the dream I was scared). I carry on swimming down through the water and the penguins ignore me. I get out and walk around the edge of the pool making sure that the students follow one by one to dive in and swim down. This seemed to be the lesson I was giving.

Then I see one student, a young woman with shoulder length blonde hair, slinking off outside. I call her back but she deliberately ignores me and walks away faster so then I did something really odd. I 'magic'd' her to come back. I just thought it and pointed at her to make her walk back to the group which she did. I remember thinking 'what the heck - its worth a try'.

Next thing it is all replaying but this time I am taking her outside to the special area where she stands and the spirit takes her over, but this time I see that the purple band around her head is so intense that she can't cope so I remove her from the influence and guide her back to the school.

I can make sense of most of the general stuff, pools, clear water, swimming down, student/teacher thing etc but not the penguins and the special area outside and using magic.

Any ideas would be most welcome.