The number thirteen...

Phoenix Rising

The Ancients said "those who understand the number 13 will gain power and dominance"
The Occultist who designed the great seal of America understood this, because in the law of polarities, South will never dominate the North. Therefore all those who in the South position who went to war against the North lost. The Only exception to this rule is America because of your great seal. However Americans never won a war when they fought for the country in the south, look at Vietnam and Korea!
Number 13 is a very lucky and powerful number, it also represents transformation and regeneration.
There were always 12+1. Jesus, King Arthur, zodiacs orbiting the sun, Jacob etc..


Gerbear said:
Here in the United States 13 is tied in with the country's history. For instance, on the Great Seal of the U.S., the eagle is clutching 13 arrows and an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 olives.
There are a lot of 13's in American symbolism, to represent the 13 original colonies. There are 13 stripes in the flag, 13 levels of bricks on the pyramid in the Great Seal, and also from the Great Seal, "Annuit Coeptis" has 13 letters.

I read once that man's fascination for the number 13 stemmed from primitive counting. You count each finger and each foot and you get 12, so the number that lays just beyond your reach would be 13.


This is very interesting....It's caught my eye because I was born on the thirteenth...(no..not on a Friday ;) )


I have found for the people under this number, they must stay focused. When they are not focused they fall off their path and are ungrounded.
#13 I agree is a very unique number when used to the positive, can achieve anything because it refers to universal consciousness. (Knowledge of the 12 Zodiac signs + one embraces them all.)
I feel there is strong energies with this number and that sometimes bring fear to people. Just the thought of this number bother many.

Ground your energy when the number shows up would be a good summary.

Just some thoughts!


I second Ros. In numerology, 13 is a karmic debt number. While it's reduced number is about organization, being a builder,... 13 says it's a hassle for the person to achieve this. Much more effort is required.


I too am fascinated with the number 13. My birthday is on February 13, but I think my attraction to the number extends beyond that, and even beyond much of the cultural myth around the number. It is a very powerful and magical number, it seems. I think the fact that there are thirteen moons in a year, which others have pointed out, is part of the key to the power this number has held in the human psyche.

It is a prime number, a number which cannot be divided by any other whole numbers besides one and itself. It juxtaposes two other numbers which hold great power over the human mind - one and three. The two digits add up to four, which also has much power over human thought. Three is a sacred and powerful number universally, from the Holy Trinity of Christianity to the Maiden/Mother/Crone forms of the Goddess. One is a number which points to a higher power, something essential. One can only be divided by itself, and all other numbers can be divided by it. Four is a number which represents wholeness and stability fairly universally. We have the four directions, the four seasons, the four elements (if one does not count "spirit" as one of the elements), the four corners of a square. In these three numbers, we have three powerful and symbolic shapes, going from number of sides: circle, triangle, square.

I also think that something else others have touched upon is key to understanding the power of thirteen. Another powerful number in the human mind is the number 12, which recurs cross-culturally as an important number. The twelve months of the year, twelve signs of the zodiac, twelve tribes of Israel. The number 13, I think, implies the fullness of the number 12 as well as one added element. I think the sense of magic in 13 at least in part comes from the perception of having twelve concrete objects, and then one more thing that is essential or underlying, something mystical or profound which unites those twelve. We cannot see this thirteenth element, but it is there.

I think this is also why the number 7 and the number 5 also have such a magical sway. We have twelve, or six, or four elements, divisible and balanced, and then add one more, something intangible that does not throw the other elements off balance but adds something powerful. This added element makes the number indivisible, and thus make it seem to stand on its own, undivided. A good example of this is the idea that there are five "magickal" elements: fire, earth, water, air, and spirit. The first four are tangible to some degree. The fifth is central, essential, but intangible.


Personal growth. Personal development. Transformation. Metamorphosis. Evolution. Evolving. Changing. Unfolding. Development. Advances. Things change. (Re)build. (De)construction. Creative destruction. Decline. Decay. Static. Stasis. Inertia. Stagnation. Morbid.

Things change. Out with the old and in with the new. If nothing changes, then nothing changes. Time marches on. Major changes. Drastic changes.


WhiteRaven said:
This is very interesting....It's caught my eye because I was born on the thirteenth...(no..not on a Friday ;) )
Snap - except for me it was a Friday :)

I'm inclined towards Dasanis' take on this number;
"I have found for the people under this number, they must stay focused. When they are not focused they fall off their path and are ungrounded."

Bee :)