advance book help for christmas


Ok, I need to buy an tarot book for myself for xmas. I need something advanced as that area is lacking. What I do have is Pictures, 78, Professional, Tarot for Yourself and Classics. So i would like suggestions on what is a must have for my library.

Thanks and Happy Holidays.


cybercat said:
What I do have is Pictures, 78, Professional, Tarot for Yourself and Classics. So i would like suggestions on what is a must have for my library.

While you know what books you're referring to above, I'm left scratching my head over most of them.

Pictures = Pictures from the Heart or Pictorial Key to the Tarot?
78 = 78 Degrees of Wisdom?
Professional = Professional Tarot?
Tarot for Yourself = Tarot for Yourself
Classics = ???

Tarot Constellations also by Mary Greer is an excellent book. It's OOP, but it's not all that HTF.

There's also a list of books that deal with more Advanced Topics here in the Tarot Books & Media Forum Index that's a sticky Note at the top of this forum.



You are right Rodney on all of them. Classics is tarot Classics by Kaplan.


How about "Tarot Wisdom" by Rachel Pollack? It's a bit more 'in depth' and I think it's a great read, with lots of excercise spreads in it.