stardust movie and Runes.


I recently saw the movie Stardust. In this movie the fortune teller is caught by the king and he is asked to divine.

The king asks him tell which direction my brother went the Rune caster says north

Even the witch uses the runes to know how she will find stardust the runes asks her to stay at same place.

i want to know whether runes can predict time, date, about events when someone will get married??which direction person as went??? or does rune answer questions in deeper way


good morning, we are going to have a rune reading circle this month,
and in the course of talking about it and gathering our brains together I've learned something that can help with timing when using runes.

One book suggested a spread cloth with three circles. I haven't got the book at hand but I think it was current/future/and the outer circle being something else like missed opportunities.

Another book I just got last week by Jon Tremaine suggests a cloth with a 12 slice pie drawn on it to give a guide for months.

Hope that helps with two different ways to figure timing into your throws.
And I hope you will join us in our circle!


To be absolutely honest with you, from my own personal belief, it doesn't matter which system of divination you use, its how you interpret it that matters.

Whether its runes, ogham, tarot, bones, stones, shells, a mix of odd objects, clouds, bird flights or anything else you can think of, what really comes through is how you as the diviner settle back into that space where the answers come and what you see makes sense.

If you choose to work with runes, find your own system where the spread, the way they land or the runes themselves are capable of giving you time frames. If they were used like this in the past then the diviners would have had to answer questions like this so it is feasible.


Hello AJ,

thanks for replying and letting me know about the circle.

I have made my own rune stones on ceramic stone by craving the symbols and then painting it using red oil paint

After that i never touched or read the runes. since it was complicated im very amateur with runes.

But if given a chance i would love to join the circle.

Please decide and let me know.

Curtis Penfold

Don't the witches sacrifice something and read its remains?

Man, I loved that movie.


They sacrifice a couple of animals, actually.

My guess is that the witch and the shaman were using four runes with each rune attributed to a direction and see which one came up (or ones - go northwest, for example), but the divination system was not explained and was probably way more a prop than a complete system.


They sacrifice a couple of animals, actually.

My guess is that the witch and the shaman were using four runes with each rune attributed to a direction and see which one came up (or ones - go northwest, for example), but the divination system was not explained and was probably way more a prop than a complete system.
yes fateslady, they were using only four runes and from those four runes they could answer so many variety of questions. it was more like a prop but this sends out wrong signals to the audience they feel that runes can answer any type of questions.

Even when the star was airborne the witches divined and they knew when she was airborne, when she touched the earth and which direction she is travelling. If they were having crystal ball then i could understand the divination but merely cutting animals and reading the intestines or kidney for divining such questions is more like a prop.

Curtis Penfold

NamasteIndia said:
If they were having crystal ball then i could understand the divination but merely cutting animals and reading the intestines or kidney for divining such questions is more like a prop.

The ancient ritual of divining with sacrificed animals is much forgotten, so I was happy to see it in the film, despite its negative appearance.

Though it goes pretty far, you'd be surprised at how much tribal and ancient people are able to see in a sacrifice. About as much as one sees in Tarot.


The ancient ritual of divining with sacrificed animals is much forgotten, so I was happy to see it in the film, despite its negative appearance.

Though it goes pretty far, you'd be surprised at how much tribal and ancient people are able to see in a sacrifice. About as much as one sees in Tarot.

Hello curtis,
I was not aware of divination using dead animals. well i just searched thru net and found out its called Extispicy. Very interesting. really its a forgotten art now


Actually I've had some luck divining with them in just this manner- Stardust inspired me to separate them out and work with them this way.

It started by my figuring out my birth runes (the initials of my birth name) and the runes associated with my birthday and birth time (consult Nigel Pennick's "Runic Astrology" for details). Then, I had a handful of my own runes (four in my case, my first and last initial are the same).

They work for yes/no answers (the more runes face up, the more likely the answer is), and also for directions and time.

So, yes, they can answer such things if you're looking to have them do such a thing. I have to agree with Milfoil though- divination can be done with nearly anything you desire to work with.