Tarot for Dummies


Does anyone have this book, "Tarot for Dummies"? It's by Amber Jayanti. If you do, what are your thoughts on it? Has it helped you with tarot?


I have this book, and its a great resource. She has some great ideas, and conveys them well in this book.

My only caution is that Amber Jayanti is a BOTA trained scholar. If your dogma has evolved from another source, it could be in conflict.

Red Emma

Tarot for dummies

A question for devinerguy:

BOTA trained scholar?


Rusty Neon


Hi ... See BOTA's website.


I'm not a member, but BOTA offers a multi-year correspondence course in esoteric studies, including the tarot.


Re: Tarot for dummies

Red Emma said:
A question for devinerguy:

BOTA trained scholar?


BOTA stands for Brotherhood of the Adytym. It is a mystical school whose headquarters is in Los Angeles. In addition to the practice of religion, they teach a course about the Tarot.

Their course about the Tarot focuses on the Qaballah as a basis for card correspondences. Should you follow Golden Dawn, Thoth or other systems of correspondences, it could be in conflict.

Rusty Neon

Re: Re: Tarot for dummies

divinerguy said:
BOTA stands for Brotherhood of the Adytym. It is a mystical school whose headquarters is in Los Angeles. In addition to the practice of religion, they teach a course about the Tarot.

Their course about the Tarot focuses on the Qaballah as a basis for card correspondences. Should you follow Golden Dawn, Thoth or other systems of correspondences, it could be in conflict.

Hi divinerguy ... I haven't followed BOTA teachings too much. However, I note that GD and Crowley also used Qabalah in their tarot systems. Can you give an example of how the BOTA system of tarot correspondences would be in conflict?

Thanks !


I thought BOTA stood for Builders of the Adytum....


Phoenix - correct - I should've checked my materials before I spoke