Flotsam and Jetsam Divination Kits! Help create one for you and one for me!


Yes, Destiny Cards is one of the branches. That one is Robert Camp. It all derives from Olney H. Richmond, Edith Randall & Florence Campbell, Arne Lein. And on to present-day with Iain McLaren-Owens, Sharon Jeffers, Thomas Morrell and others.

I'll PM later today, franniee! :grin: Destiny Cards uses slightly different terminology than the one I do- but the cards to consider are all the same.

daughter is your Pluto card; you are hubby's Moon card


Pluto card :laugh: Now that is funny!!! and very true and I don't even really know what it means!!!

and me being hubby's moon card sounds interesting. :D

Thank you Cardlady!!

I hope the weather isn't too rough for you..... I hear you guys are getting hammered.... we are due for a hammering tomorrow. :(

Hubby is having an operation today at 4PM. I am the one who usually has the operations in this house! :(

BTW Satori wanted an update ..... a few of us Mermaids sent out our packages.... the others are still working but everything is singing along. :thumbsup:


franniee said:
Hubby is having an operation today at 4PM

I shall keep a candle lit Franniee and hope all goes well with both of you....


Wendywu said:
I shall keep a candle lit Franniee and hope all goes well with both of you....

Thank you Wendy! :love:


stefficus said:
OOOO, i just thought! think of all the extra fun we'll have taking PICTURES of all this neat stuff and sharing it!! and then possibly pictures of the readings!!!

i need to go lie down. i feel overexcited.
There, there... Let me dab your glowing forehead with a dainty, lacy handkerchief dampened with a few drops of cool spring water...

And then I'll jump up and down in excitement, with wide open eyes, and yell because I, too, can't wait to see all the thingies, and pictures, and readings, and .... EVERYTHING!!!! :D


Light a candle for franniee? What happened to my homegirl? :eek:

Prayers zooming your way doodlebug. Now, I'll mix up a little potion to keep any negativity from her, destroy her enemies, and give her hair a lovely shine....



Satori said:
Light a candle for franniee? What happened to my homegirl? :eek:

Prayers zooming your way doodlebug. Now, I'll mix up a little potion to keep any negativity from her, destroy her enemies, and give her hair a lovely shine....


Thank you! :love: I think the potion worked! :love: although with all of this rain who knows.... I am having a bad hair day. })

Hubby is home. In pain but home. He has a huge script of oxycodone! :bugeyed: I've never seen so many at one time! Too bad I can't share with him - they make my heart race out of my chest! :p


Cardlady, thanks for the post about the birth cards; very interesting stuff. As we are out in our own little threads and then moving back and forth between them and here on the main thread, it will be cool to see how the dynamics work out.

Keep us posted! :grin:


Is anyone only sending 5 things out? LOL. I am finding that limit impossible.


Satori said:
Is anyone only sending 5 things out? LOL. I am finding that limit impossible.
I am so glad to see you say that! There is no way I could possibly send only 5!!!

I am making spread/throwing cloths for each of the Sirens. They are painted on a canvas and I am backing them with a cotton fabric. I'll be sewing the backings on tomorrow. I painted a pentacle in the center and then painted symbols in each area. The pictures symbolize these concepts: the key, the Divine or Spirit, Woman, Man, Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Love, Hate, Joy, Sorrow

I have been having a great time with these. They are really easy to create. If anyone purchases a fabric placemat it would be quite easy to do the same thing I have without having to finish the edges afterwards.