How will I know if he has been faithful?


This afternoon I went to dinner at my bf house.
Later his brother casually mentions that my bf x girlfriend was by last weekend. My bf did not mention this to me.

My question; How will I know if my boyfriend has been faithful

Druid craft
3 cards
3 of swords rx
Hanged Man rx
High Priest rx

3 of swords rx
He will be indenial of any hurt or jealously from his past experiences.
Hanged man - continue to sacrifice his own integrity and remain friends with past partners that were of questionable charactor from what I understand by him. "questionable as in - can be trusted in a healthy relationship. (Not judging at all. It is the only way I can explain the High Priest rx.

Im wondering if this is me and i am in denial?

any feedback would be helpful


Look at your majors. I believe your answer lies there, with the swords placing the answer in context.

What is the their fundamental nature? If reversed, how is that fundamental nature altered?

Do they represent the people in your reading or perhaps the emotional state of each person?


I think because of the way you worded your question, to me it's one that asks for clues as a you have 3 clues to look out for to find out what you want... I'm new with tarot and reverses are not my forte so I think I won't do it justice interpreting you cards here... but the one thing I picked up is that I think the High P. rvx could mean that if your intuition is telling you nothing happened then nothing did and vice versa... clear your head, open your mind and be ready and willing to be true to yourself...and then listen to what your intuition has to say..not logic..because with the hanged man reverse it seems like you may be willing to sacrifice part of the way you think to let this thing just pass by and forget about it so you burry the 'potential' pain by ignoring it/letting it pass!

I just re-read my response and realized I read the cards right to left when usually its left to right...hmmm....I just started from the one that made more sense to me....either way hope it's not misleading!! :)


hi divinerguy

the thing is that i pulled these cards before i went out - I was caught off guard when this came out of the mouth of someone at the dinner table.

My boyfriend use to come up as the Hermit rx - and so did I a long time ago (this is jsut not going along with mainstream society I think.
Maybe he believes that what he still does it really ok. And maybe it is for him now, but not for me.
He`s self sacrificing - and in denial of his true self? - Detached?

I think I will wait till the morning and give it some more thought. My head is a bit numb. I should have maybe posted in the moring instead

thank you

and thank you seeker7 for you input as well.

if its not right (mainstream) then he doesn`t know it not right? he just does things his own way and doesnt give it another thought weather it is right or wrong?


Question How will I know if he has been faithful?

3 of swords rx, Hanged Man rx, High Priest rx

Unless you follow him 24 hours a day, tap his phone, install cctv then you all you can do is to believe in him.

Another thing is that if he doesn't hang out at strange places and with strange people, that's a good sign he's been faithful.


finaflight said:
My question; How will I know if my boyfriend has been faithful
Druid craft
3 cards
3 of swords rx ... a high level of insight to know that even though it may hurt, it is better to know the truth than to exist undisturbed in ignorance
Hanged Man rx ... misplaced and unnecessary sacrifice
High Priest rx ... beware of false gurus and unworthy teachers

I think that all of the cards should be read as for you since your question was how you would know. So I think the message is "While it is good that you wish to know the truth, you are worrying needlessly. Don't be so quick to trust the one giving you the message."

You know, what strikes me here is that all the cards are reversed. I think that is a message that something is amiss here. What's amiss is the messenger. Perhaps jealousy is causing the brother to just "happen to mention" her presence. That was no accident.


This is your cards saying
high priest reversed : the question is not even worth answering
3 swords reversed:this is just indulging in drama for the sake of it
hanged man rx:whats the point?



I will keep in mind what you say here, the cards being all reversed. Maybe his brother did mention it on purpose - or maybe was being thoughtless.
But still, I have some things to think about.
Some people I understand still stay in contact with thie past, like x girlfriends and husbands etc, And some dont.

Thank you everyone.


I thought about this for a bit last night, and again this morning.

The High Priest – The fundamental nature of the High Priest is to be impartial and to give advice that will help guide a person on their journey to the next card The Lovers, where you make your choice.

So the High Priest rx could mean (with this question) that one can not make a choice or can not give or be receptive to advice that is good for them.

The Emperor is before the High Priest. He has given the orders, but (the fool) is unable to take the advice to move forward with the help of the High Priest.

The Hanged Man – The fundamental nature of the Hanged Man is to not pass judgment on the information he is receiving, but only to enjoy the learning process with out making any decisions, I think. Like a nice day where you can`t find anything wrong because there is nothing wrong, and besides your just not looking. You enjoying the day, taking it all in, no matter what is going on around you.

So the Hanged Man rx could be that a person is effected by what is going on around them, but not, or unable to surrender to advice given by past mistakes.

Justice is the card before The Hanged Man - Justice upright learns from passed mistakes. This Hanged Man rx is unable to surrender and learn from to past mistakes?

The 3 of swords rx. Denial of any of this above?


just ask the cards if he's faithful