is she having an affair?


my brother is concerned that his wife might be having and affair behind his back. he asked me to do a reading. used jane austen deck

what are the chances that she is having an affair?

shadow: empress: her, the wife

i had two jumpers, immediately:

the chariot: keeping the chariot under control. (on this deck a girl is riding a horse looks to be very fast, but keeping the horse under control, smiling wildly)doing what you will do to win. even if it means deceit. being jane austen deck all about affairs of the heart, the chariot can symolize a, "bad boy, " "bad girl," who hits and runs.

knight of coins(pents): on this card a man looks is facing a large manor home from across the road. leaves are blowing on the ground, a blustery looking day. he seems hesitant to approach the home, to cross the road to get to it. i noticed he is glancing down at the ring on his finger. (wedding ring?) a young man who keeps his feelings tucked away. he seems to know where he wants to go, but being the slowing moving knight of coins, he stays still.

6 of candlestick (wands): two men riding very fast on horses going at high speed past a home. two women look from the widow, at them. feeling triumphant. battle won, victory acheived, sense of pride

5 of coins (pentacles): ( i have heard before this card can signify an affair)
a woman is sitting alone in a room; very frail looking, soaking her feet in a pan of hot water. she is worried about tangible things; perhaps being stuck impoverished and alone as the picture in the card suggest. the unrest seems mental and physical

world: completions, endings

i told him my honest take on this; i think she had a very, very, fast fling. but, ended it because she had concerns about being left in financial hardships, if the marriage ended. being with ALOT less money if the marriage broke up. and possibly mental uneasiness over it; guilt. the fling i think happened because she wanted control in the marriage, and it gave her a sense of, "winning." like she won, the war between them; as in an ego boost. that is also seen in the 6 of wands. pride, riding on a high horse. i do have a feeling that that knight of coins, possibly repped a younger guy, but who was also married. and, he was hesitant to carry the relationship any further because of this. it seems a fast fling, total ego boost for her with a younger married guy. (he is looking at the ring on his finger in the picture;not approaching the manor home..of her)

any takers?


Your answer suggests that the chances are very small.


Something tells me differently!
I feel that what your cards may be picking up on, is the emotional and therefore physical hardships that this couple have been experiencing, 5/ pentacles. The Empress is also the fifth card in the major deck. She is hurting, she is unhappy, she needs to heal this and has considered the healing of an others arms.

I felt that because of these difficulties, she may have considered responding to the advances of someone else but hasn't necessarily acted on it. I feel there may even be someone around her that fits this bill.

The Chariot and the World both point to a journey with a successful outcome but a journey that will take time and much effort, knight of pentacles. This outcome will depend on how deep the wounds go with this couple.

Your description of the knight, is very revealing. He keeps his feelings to himself and is reluctant to approach the house, the house he really wants to be in. I feel that this is what he must do and find out for himself exactly where he stands and how and if they can mend the distance between them enough to be able to enjoy the accolades of the World card.

There is every possibility that they can do this, it really depends on how much they BOTH want to.



what are the chances that she is having an affair?

shadow: The Empress

jumpers: The Chariot - Knight of Coins

layout: 6 of Candlesticks - 5 of Coins - World

What this says to me is that there is dissatisfaction in the marriage. Everything might look great from the outside, but inside there is loneliness and lack of connection. The Empress longs to express herself. The Chariot and Kn of Coins are telling your brother it is time to put his house in order. I don't see anything that really suggests an affair though. The quint card is Justice, which says that he's going to get out of the marriage exactly what he puts into it.


well, thats another way of seeing it. yes, there is disatifaction in the marriage, for sure. i don't think much deep communication. i still get the feeling that the knight of pents here is another man. true, she may not YET be having an affair, but i do think as someone posted there is someone around her, possibly younger than her, married, who maybe interested. with the unhappiness there, it very much seems a possiblility. that knight of pents on the card is touching and looking down at his ring finger on his left hand. looking at the home across the road;not approaching it. hesitant to go. i don't see it as repping her husband, because to me, why would he be slow to approach the home? i guess i just view this in another way. i do think there is a strong possibility that she may be pulled towards an affair at some point. i think the opportunity is there. but, i can see how everyone read this. has anyone heard of the 5 of pents being an affair before? i read this somewhere. just curious. thanks, all!


I am not saying that my interpretation is the "right" one, but please consider that your own opinions on the situation may be affecting what you are seeing in the cards.

I would be very hesitant to do a reading on whether my brother's wife was having an affair. It might be more helpful to ask what he can do to improve his marriage or what is important for him to understand about his marriage, that sort of thing. You are playing with fire, especially if you are not an experienced reader, but even if you are.


Given your newness at reading and the seriousness of the question, I suggest that you be clear to your brother that the cards are a far from definite answer to his concerns.



you used alot of cards for a yes/no question, and then you tried to work out what the state of her mind was....

I dont see any of these cards as definitive cards, i would suggest finding a more appropriate spread for the question.

I would as Alta advised be careful what your telling the people you are reading for


i understand what everyone is saying. as far as alot of cards, the first two were definite jumpers. i was shuffing carefully, so those cards contained messages, i believe. i usually only draw three cards as i did here. i looked at the cards and just wrote down my first impression. i have read that the 5 of pents can indicate in some cases an affair. its def hardship. when i read, he understood that i am relatively new at this, and not really to take this as gospel. we did dicuss things, and he agreeded there were problems there. i probably will do a reading to see how he can work through all of this. we ended up having just a good talk about what is going on, and how he may try and work through this.


Alta said:
Given your newness at reading and the seriousness of the question, I suggest that you be clear to your brother that the cards are a far from definite answer to his concerns.

I would second this.
In fact I typed several sentences trying to point you to this very fact but withdrew it, as, lately, I seem to offend people, on this forum, when I try and point out things of this nature about their readings. Some people take offence, so quickly, without ever considering that it was meant to guide and help, first and foremost.

Giving guidance and advice with readings, to people who may act on such advice and guidance is a serious thing and must never be undertaken lightly. When you first start to read for friends and family, you must make them aware of your inexperience. After all, you would never be able to live with yourself, if you advised them wrongly.

It's with time and experience that you know when you are truly ready to take on this responsibility.


I also agree with Pasara. When you read on a subject that may be close to your heart, like your brothers happiness, you must be impartial