The Havamal


In my never ending thirst for knowledge and my study of the Runes and the Norse peoples I have come across the Havamal. It is an incredible document and I was wondering if anyone has read it and their thoughts on it.


I've read it, and have a copy of it on my computer so I can read it again and again! I found it to be an immense store of knowledge about the Norse and their beleifs/customs, and found it interesting to see the basis for the Runes. I've always thought that to understand the Runes, one needs to also understand the culture they came from, so the Havamal really helps.

I don't know if they are different texts, but you might also like to read the Poetic Edda.




I have discovered a new affinitive with the Runes due to my European and Irish background (I have Umbrae "where are you" to thank for the kick start)

The Havamal or more correctly the H'vm'l
(I think I spelt that correctly) is a wonderful yet obvious writing said to be words of The High (ie Odin).

Rather than being a "statement of purpose" so to speak about how one should live life, it is more a series of 'thoughts' put into script as a guide in life.