blue feathers everywhere


Hi. I'm very interested in dreams and the messages they carry. Recently I've found myself dreaming of birds. But last night I had a dream of finding blue feathers on the ground all around me. I'm pretty sure they were from blue jays and there are a lot of them around here. I was awed and felt fortunate beyond words because, in my dream, blue feathers were sacred and capable of great magic.
I'm pretty used to dreams of animals and usually able to understand the message for me. But I would love to hear other's opinions or suggestions about this one. Especially because I've noted recently some people mentioning a particular colored feather in their meditations or scrying results, etc.
Love and Light! Belladonna


finding feathers could well mean messages from spirit guides or angels. this could be emphasized by the color blue. as you felt fortunate, this was probably the case.

just a little note on blue jays, (nothing intended here ;) )
blue jays are seen by some as being a very vain and selfish bird, caught up in it's own appearance. for this reason, some avoid using blue jay feathers for magic.

they are also very loud birds, not listening to others.

a personal observation, is that jays often stay together in a family for a very long time. usually a male, female and adult offspring.


That's interesting Zorya. I know what you mean about blue jays being loud. My observations are that they are not timid at all and will come right up to the porch or windows screeching their loud call. And greedy, too. They'll eat all the bird seed in the feeder before anything else has a chance to come near it.
It's funny what you said about the vanity and not listening to others. I've been upset more than usual this week about a physical change in my appearance that affected my face and seems to be permanent. (a loss of pigment in the skin causing whiter patches) I've also been more stressed out than usual because of being very busy with tarot reading appointments, listening to others and feeling like I haven't had much time for myself or my family. But in my dream, these feathers were almost being gifted to me, they were INTENDED to be used for magic.
Maybe I need a little blue jay energy? What do you think?


Because they're loud, other animals use them as an early warning system, crows (also same species family) do the same thing, offer warnings to others over large areas of space.

But I HAVE found that an area that has cardinals never has blue jays--the two birds don't get along well together, and the cardinal always seems to hold onto the territory, making the blue jays move.


Wow, HudsonGray, I never knew blue jays and crows were in the same species. Makes sense, there are a lot of crows around my house, too. And, like you said, no cardinals.
Hmmm.. warnings. Thanks for your input!


I think they're called Corvids, it includes jays, ravens, crows, magpies & a few other birds. All of them are pretty smart too.


One more insight to crows & ravens: their young stay with the parents for 5 years - the average life expectancy of crows is around 10 - 15 years. And crows, ravens, magpies, & jays are on the same branch of birds as parrots! This is part of the reason they are able to mimic and talk.

Our area has lots of crows & blue jays - but, we have cardinals around, too. Mind you, we live in an area that has a fair bit of space, even though it's in the city, so perhaps they've all worked out their territorial boundries. I have seen at my feeder blue jays & cardinals feasting on the seed on the ground. It's the crows that chase them all away.


Belladonna, cool dream!!

I use Ted Andrews' book, Animal Speak, for such reference.

Under blue Jay he writes:

Blue jay... can reflect lessons in using your power properly. ... The word jay comes from the Latin "gaia" or "gaea", which has associations to Mother Earth.... It has the ability to link the heavens and earth, to access each for greater power.

The black and white markings found on its blue wings also reflect this same ability. The sky (blue) separates the Heavens (white) and the earth (black). This is a totem that can move between both and tap the primal energies at either level...

The main problem will be dabbling in both worlds, rather than becoming a true master of both. Those with a jay as a totem usually have a trememdnous amout of ability, but it can be scattered or it is often not developed any more than is necessary to get by....

The blue jay reflects that a time of greater resourcefulness and adaptability is about to unfold. You are going to have ample opportunities to develop and use your abilities. ...

The blue jay is actually a member of the crow family, and most crows have no fear. ... The jay is fearless, and it is because of this that it can help you to connect with the deepest mysteries of the earth and the greatest of the heavens....

Blue jays have a tremendous ability for survival with the least amount of effort. They reflect great talent, but that talent must be developed and utilized properly. If the jay has flown into your life, it indicates that you are moving into a time where you can begin to develp the innate royalty that is within you.

So, Belladonna, it is Good, as you felt. It is about focusing your energies and talents so that you can become the active Magicain.

As Above, So Below! Sounds like you have many dynamic Guides and Angels, that they would literally envelope you in Their feathers!!


Feather Wisdom

Belladonna -

i also want to add that for me, as an avid feather collector, I do not find many Blue Jay or Cardinal feathers. When I do, I am always deeply honored. For me, they are special 'messengers', as it is when I am graced with a Crow feather.

Receiving a Blue Jay feather is an indication of having the where-with-all to be able to handle such a blessing. It is power; power of the Divine here on earth. Be honored by such a message from your Guides.

You are ready for the 'task at hand', the lessons of handling the divinity of whatever is coming to you. To receive many such feathers is indicative of that message, that power and manifestation of it, multiplied!

I do not regard jay as a harbinger of selfishness, greed or aggressiveness - isn't that what society accuses womyn of when they are fully in their power?

To "shout from the rooftops" is not what others consider acceptable. Well, that is their lesson, isn't it? To diffuse your manifestation of Power, of the Divine is something your Guides have made quite clear you are NOT to do!

Many, many times at my recent place of work, people asked me why I was so happy. It actually bugged my boss at times. Can you imagine? The power of Joy was too much for them!!!

When we follow our callings, we may appear odd or out of place to others arround us, and, in many ways that is as it should be. I don't want to be a mediocre aspect of Who I Am! To diffuse my energy and become more sedate and glum is really, really rediculous!!! Is not life intended for joy? Isn't that, after all, why we live?

So, go for it, belladonna. Follow the call of the Jay and see where it leads!! Wuhoooo! :laugh:



Amyel, thank you for that interesting information. I seem to be at the edge of a cliff, now, or perhaps at a crossroads, facing multiple transitions. One of them happens to be that my son, almost 5 years old will be beginning school full time, freeing up a lot of time for me... hmmm...

Skytwig, that was enormously helpful and positive. Thank you for your feedback. This year has been kind of crazy in a subtle way if that's possible. It's more like I've been feeling the changes before anything's actually happened. Some have been very empowering to me, like coming out into the open about being a practicing witch/wiccan and starting to read the Tarot professionally. Others, I'm still just looking at. Seems like a possibility we may sell our house in the maritimes and be moving to Austin, TX! (just exactly how hot is it down there?)

A lot of this past year has been about bringing balance to my life. I've been very introverted, secretive, solitary by nature with a strong pull towards the occult all my life. This year has been a lot more about how to apply all of that to the real world, how to be ME with other people as opposed to feeling like I needed to keep myself a big secret from everybody. Thank you for your feedback!

Love and light, Belladonna