"Dont mess with me!" attitude


5 Swords is someone not to mess with, I'd think they'd take far too much pleasure in what they think is getting even.

That sort of fits with Justice too, except for the 10 fold... unless the offense merits the added measure.


Most of the Wands, the Chariot, even the HPS ... quite a lot of the Majors.


King of swords... Actually all the swords courts.


I agree with the wands
I'm a queen of wands and that's the attitude I have when someone pushes my buttons


Filipa said:
That's the attitude I have when someone pushes my buttons
I think that's applicable to everybody isn't it? regardless of what card type you think you might be,we've all got that instinctive aggressive side to us,some just control it better than others,until,as you say,the right buttons are pushed.:)


zephyr_heart said:
So everyone, my question is, which card shows a person with the "don't mess with me, or I'll pay you back tenfold!" attitude?


That question really made me stop and think. The answer for me is that nothing would make me see that in a reading. It's so alien to my way of thinking that I just would not get a message like that. Interesting, I think our personalities really do affect how we read and what we see.

That being said, I might see that someone wants revenge, but never in the powerful kinds of terms you used above. And if I did I would not ever say that to a querent as those are not my style. I would feel frightened if I thought someone wanted to pay me back tenfold. And my style is to help peoole feel hopeful and empowered, not to scare people.

As for what cards would tell me revenge...? I don't have a concrete answer. That would come from the card image. And the images are different from deck to deck. Also I might see revenge in a card one day and not see it the next time. It changes.



How 'bout Tarot cards in general.

Don't mess with 'em.


Thirteen said:
All the Wands have that attitude and there's no need for them to be reversed to get it. You don't want to mess with them because they will act and they'll act at the drop of a hat. Even the Knight/Wands is, 'What did you just say? Say it again, I dare you...."

Mmm.... may I politely disagree? Although the Knight of Wands is a guy of action, as all courts are, I would see him as breezily cutting someone off without a moment's notice and galloping off to have fun with his 'loyal' friends, rather than challenging them like that. Now, the Knight of Swords however, I could definitely see rushing into an argument. Actually, now that I'm thinking about this and getting all philosophical in my head, I think the reason behind the Knight's motivations are different rather than how they actually react.


This is about attitude, not results

Starlight09 said:
Although the Knight of Wands is a guy of action, as all courts are, I would see him as breezily cutting someone off without a moment's notice and galloping off to have fun with his 'loyal' friends, rather than challenging them like that. Now, the Knight of Swords however, I could definitely see rushing into an argument.
But that's not the point. You're talking about the possible results of messing with such a knight, not whether their attitude tells you that messing with him would be a bad idea.

Consider Mr. Spock, a quintessential sword. Does he radiate the message "don't mess with me"? No, he doesn't. You wouldn't look at him and think that you'd better give him a wide berth, would you? That doesn't mean you should mess with him, or that if you do, you won't be sorry. He will, with amazing wit, intelligence and efficiency cut you down to size with words and make you look like an idiot. But the Sword, looking all cool and thoughtful, isn't going to make you afraid to mess with him.

Wands, on the other hand, are fire. They are temper. They are passion. And all of those emotions can radiate a feeling of "don't mess with me." Will the Knight/Wands always radiate that? Of course not. But we're looking for a card that says that the person is radiating this attitude. That you would look at them and give that person a wide berth. That, to me, makes it likely to be a Wand Court card.

Do you see the difference? Any Trump in the deck, any court card, might be one that it'd be a bad idea to "mess" with because they might avenge themselves on you in a terrible way. BUT which ones would give you that message--make you know it on sight, rather than finding it out after you'd done the messing and realized it was a mistake? Not every trump or court will make you suspect that it's probably a bad idea to mess with them.

The Wands aren't subtle. If they don't want you messing with them, you'll know it.


Queen of Swords/Knight of Swords