Any thoughts?


I had a strange day yesterday and wondered if anyone had any thoughts on what happened...I'll give a brief outline of events, followed by the dream I had last night - which I believe to be significant...Anyway, tell me what you think. TIA for your comments.

Went to work as per usual and had a very productive day. Spent the morning doing a workshop at a girls' grammar school and the afternoon organising another event - nothing particularly unusual.

Came home, DH left for work and I decided to have a bath...on my way up to the bathroom I glanced out of the window and spotted a rat (we've got a problem with them at the moment and put bait down for them). The rat was sniffing the bait and I watched, waiting for it to eat. In my mind I heard a little voice as though I could hear the rat talking, saying ' I have to eat this to die' - I just put it down to my bizarre imagination and the fact that I was pretty tired.

Anyway, I ran my bath and read for a while (Catcher in the Rye) then just lie for a while with my eyes closed. Again, I started 'hearing' voices in my head - well, not really hearing but there were definitely words in my head - like I was talking to someone I couldn't see, didn't know, but who was definitely there and who wanted to chat with me. I opened my eyes and felt myself blush as though I'd been speaking aloud and someone had heard me talking to myself. I got out of the bath and forgot about the 'daydream'.

DH arrived back from his meeting and we ate supper and watched TV for a bit. I fell asleep on the sofa, DH woke me and I took myself off to bed whilst DH locked up etc.

As soon as I got into bed I fell straight to sleep and it was a deep sleep. Around midnight I awoke to the sounds of our neighbours having an almighty row - I've never heard anything like it in my life - I thought one of them was being murdered and was frightened. DH, also awake, asked if he should call the police and I said 'no'. We lie there in the dark, not speaking, just holding hands, and again I had the sense that someone in my head wanted to speak to me...

It took me a while to 'drop off' again and this is when I started dreaming...

I don't remember everything but I do remember this:

I was in a dark room, dark like on a rainy afternoon when it's really gloomy indoors and you need to have the lights on. I was looking for something - keys or something and couldn't see properly cos it was so shadowy and dusty and I just felt like I was wading through this murky substance as I moved around the room. I grew more and more frustrated at not being able to find my keys and felt as though someone was deliberately hiding them from me, trying to prevent me from going somewhere I needed to be.

I left the room and was in a room in my grandmother's house surrounded by family, including a dog I had as a kid, who died when I was about 11 years old. In the dream I remember thinking 'oh my god, Cindy is alive again' and then a moment later 'oh sh*t, she can talk'. She told me she didn't mind being dead and that she could come back whenever she wanted to!

Then I was sent upstairs by someone (I don't remember who) and I went. It got darker still as I climbed the stairs. It was a very long stair case and I could only just see the top. At the top was a speck of red which I moved towards with a purpose. I don't remember the next bit at all but suddenly I was stood facing this red light I'd seen and it was no longer a light, but was more like a red painted canvas although 3D and was like looking into a deep pool. Better than that though was the winged horse stood in front of it! It was white but shimmered blue and was very muscular. It didn't speak to me with its mouth, but again, that voice in my head. The conversation was brief as I felt embarrassed, but it basically went:

Me: Hello. Who are you?
It: You know who
Me: Are you really:
It: Yes
Me: What's your name?
It: Orenyoun
Me: How old are you?
Orenyoun: 25,000 years old
Me: Will we be able to speak again?
Orenyoun: Yes

No sooner had this conversation closed than a barn owl flew towards my face and I was having a similar conversation. This time 'his' name was Vakis and he was only 20 years old. He told me that I would also meet a dragon and a dwarf!!!

Well, anyway, I don't remember anything that happened after that but I woke up at 7.30 this morning and it was the first thing I thought about. I even asked DH if he knew those names - I thought maybe I'd read them in a book!

Well, I went to work today and nothing unusual has happened and I've had no more conversations in my head, but I feel my heart pound when I think of the dream. I don't know what it means - it may mean nothing and just be the result of a tired mind. However, I welcome your feedback.

Love Janine

Red Emma

Janine, a couple of questions:

Is anything going on in your life right now that the information you're receiving could relate to?

Do the subjects of the various "channelings" -- for lack of a better word -- seem to relate to each other? By subjects, I mean the topics of the information being relayed to you.

Do you have any specific feelings when the "creatures" appear? Fear, perhaps, or reassurance, love?



Red Emma - The most significant thing happening in my life at the moment is that my husband and I are trying to conceive and have been doing for several months while all our friends seem to be falling pregnant really easily.

Work is a pain at the moment. I have no motivation to do a good job and get through the days putting in the bare minimum. I'm distracted because all I think about is getting pregnant.

A couple of people close to me have passed away recently and I have found it difficult to stop thinking about them.

I don't feel anything other than surprise/curiousity when I hear the voice(s). I've tried 'listening' for it again but nothing happened. I slept very well last night and don't remember any dreams.

I just feel myself blush when I remember the dream and I don't know why...

Anyway - thanks for your time and your comments.


as for your dream, the last part of it, I think those are either your guardians, or you are astral traveling. When speaking to spirits, guides, and the like, it goes just how you explained. I've been talking to them for almost 15 years now. It sounds like you are a natural medium as well. Just be careful, not all spirits are good, however, most that have something to say to a medium aren't bad (in my experiences). I think in your dream that actually you were going on a spiritual walk (involuntarily) to meet your animal guides (otherwise known as totems). These could be the same people (spirits) talking to you when you are half awake (like in the bathtub, and when you laid down to go to sleep). Without really knowing you, I don't have much to say or insights to give other then what I've stated. Next time they talk to you, it may help to ask them what is they would like to tell you most, or is there a purpose that they have in speaking with you. If they say no to both of these, then ask them what is your purpose in coming to me? Hope this helps you out some.


Thank you sagitarian - that is really useful and I will definitely follow your advice. I must say that I am excited by the thought of meeting my guides again.