Dreamy questions...


Just fyi...

Severe vertigo and nausea can be related to inner ear infections---maybe sinuses or change of weather? Odd weather patterns in some areas...You definitely are processing a lot of changes, feelings and those sometimes pesky but necessary hormones...in my sister's case, she lacked vitamin D or calcium when she had hyperthyroid and parathyroid removal, so her balance was such she could hardly sit upright. Tingling sensations are one symptom.
Hope as time goes that you achieve and process your inner balances, that you feel better soon...
My best wishes,

P.S. The water dreams may be signficant of your inner self realizing that it is a flowing, fluid time for you and your body/self is changing as a result of postpartum processes. Hopefully there's an easing, gentle healing as you recover...hope you get help and don't rush yourself into trying to do too much. Could some liquid sensations can be symbolic of a slower, soothing time for you?