Get "certified" - it's cheap! ; )


photokat said:
I have read your essay and I am unable to issue a diploma.

Because of the sensitive nature of the issue and the insecurity of email I can only discus the reasons for the refusal offer the phone.

A full refund is being issued.
<hysterical laughter>

photokat said:
Is anyone in the UK willing to fight for our diploma over the phone?
Anyone who can suppress laughter and be serious?
This is priceless! I suggest we all print off the refusal to issue the diploma and frame it to add to our credentials.

photokat said:
it possible that the tin foil hat threw him off?
Possibly the flexible sexual morals did ...


I am still wiping the tears of laughter from my face. That is the funniest thing I've read in a long time!

This was my favourite bit:

gregory said:
The reason babies cry is often due to the fact that have not yet acquired any Tarot knowledge.

PLEASE someone phone them!!!!!


I'll phone him if you like. "A friend of mine is concerned that...." But I think (if she's willing and has the same deal with BT that I do) Pen would do it BETTER...

Not least because she is a lot further from Cramlington than I am... :eek:

But much more that I am deaf and might miss something VITAL in the conversation. Seriously. This is very sad, but honestly, there are people in this thread that can testify to my poor hearing. Still, if NO-ONE else in the UK will, I'll do it. It's too good to miss.

At least he read it :D

Le Fanu

I think our essay traumatised him.

The listing has ended, the diploma has been removed. Poor thing...



I leave the place for a few hours and look what happens!

I'm disappointed though. I wanted a credulous essay to be sent to him so we had a chance to get the certificate and have everyone involved get a copy saying they were a Grand Master to prove it was all a load of bumph.

Now we've just pointed out to him that he has to alter his advertisement and not put that a certificate will be issued anyway.

I don't know if anyone else wants to ring him, but it won't be me.

But - it's going down as one of the best laughs I've ever had!


firefrost said:
I'm disappointed though. I wanted a credulous essay to be sent to him so we had a chance to get the certificate and have everyone involved get a copy saying they were a Grand Master to prove it was all a load of bumph.

Now we've just pointed out to him that he has to alter his advertisement and not put that a certificate will be issued anyway.
Yeah - so did I. :( Oh well. Win some, lose some.

It WAS fun doing it, though.


(I suppose there's no chance of making this into a sticky so that it won't disappear forever into the archives and Never Be Seen Again?)


FINE - here are the juicy details. I guess I messed this one up. But hey - wasn't this obvious if I did the "ethics" part?

I asked him (well, I begged him) to reconsider, and I offered a new essay.
Here his reply:

From: Alex H Parker Services <>
Subject: Re: Essay for buyer / Ebay
Date: March 5, 2011 2:03:54 AM PST

Hello B

This essay was excellently written and demonstrated a thorough knowledge of Tarot and other spiritual approaches.

We are unable to dispense a diploma because the ethical approach within the essay is in opposition to many of STIC’s principles.
The ethics of STIC are published at

I am not able to identify parts of the essay which are in opposition to to STIC principles over email as much of what is written is of a personal nature.

Some of our principles are:

13. Respect professional relationship boundaries.

The practitioner will offer a professional service based on an agreed contract. A practitioner will not form a relationship with the client outside the boundaries of the contract. A practitioner will not engage in courtship rituals with clients or sexual behaviour. If because of circumstances outside the practitioners control such as the client becoming a family member through marriage or a work colleague then supervision will be sought and the contract altered to accommodate, or a referral be offered to the client.

12. Trustworthiness.

A practitioner will treat all information, money and possessions of the client with respect. The practitioner will not recommend any service or product unless it is in the client's best interest to receive it. A practitioner will honour all agreements made with client unless it conflicts with other ethical principles.

11. Reverence for life, health and self-determination.

A practitioner will use conduct, which preserved and protects life and the quality of life experienced by all entities. The right of an individual to choose their own thinking is paramount to their continued transcendence and the practitioner will allow the individual to follow their own path unhindered through action, speech or implication. The practitioner will break confidentiality if an individuals self-determination is likely to cause harm to others or to the client themselves.

7. There are no absolutes autonomy in the present moment

The client will be encouraged to see the future as choices and will be encouraged to live in the present moment. The practitioner will not encourage any particular course of action and will leave all decisions to the client. the practitioner will not present anything as an absolute truth whether it be the future, or the practitioners own personal truth.

2. Treat others, as you would like them to treat you.

A practitioner will value other individuals equally as they value themselves. A practitioner will not extort or mislead a client for their own gain .A practitioner will respect the material, psychological and spiritual resources of the client, and avoid exploitation in these areas either to increase the practitioners material wealth or self esteem. Respect and acceptance of the client’s cultural background will be demonstrated. Sexual, spiritual and philosophical differences will be respected. The practitioner will provide safety and hold adequate insurance to accommodate any mistakes and a complaints procedure that is easily accessible.

Our certificates are often used to by Tarot practitioners to demonstrate to clients that they are aware and practice ethics which is in line with Stic.

Unfortunately we can not reconsider a reworking of your essay.

Many Thanks


My suggestion: would anyone be willing to seek out other sources of such diplomas and submit this unholy mess?
Perhaps there is a morally flexible person who issues diplomas?


<giggle> I think we've had our fun. IT's been delightful. And with the reawakening of the penis thread, my life is complete.


I think I have found a diploma that we can definitely get, despite the lack of (any) morals and sense of fashion etc:


Fully Personalized Novelty PhD Diploma
You supply the (1) NAME and (2) DATE (if desired)

The perfect gift for the anyone who has always wanted a college degree in any of a number of exciting career choices or anyone who deserves an honorary fictional degree in any occupation!

Our novelty diplomas are suitable for framing and look so genuine that they are guaranteed to fool your family and friends.

You can get novelty diplomas for any careers and degrees, right here, right now!

Now, you can prove your expertise in any field of choice with an official diploma certificate from our humorously fictional college!

It may be completely fake, but you and anyone else would never know it by looking at it. It looks so completely real that you will be amazed. It even has an official gold embossed foil seal for added authenticity!

You can frame it and hang it on your wall for everyone to see, or you can buy one for your family and friends. They make excellent gifts for everyone so stock up now to take advantage of our multiple purchase discount and free shipping and handling on any additional items.

We offer hundreds of different careers, degrees, awards and hundreds of gag diplomas on other topics including our 100% COMPLETELY CUSTOM diplomas, awards and certificates (available at our eBay store). You can select ANY TOPIC IN THE WORLD that you want. You simply tell us what you want and we will create an official diploma, award or certificate for ANY SUBJECT YOU WANT!

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: While are novelty diplomas look exactly like genuine articles, please note that all of our items are ONLY SOLD AS NOVELTY ITEMS AND GAG GIFTS. We will not sell degrees or diplomas for more serious fields of academic study like Medicine, Dentistry, Law or anything that is not on the straight and narrow, so please do not even ask. By purchasing this item, you agree to use it for novelty purposes only.