Self Esteem


Self Esteem by The Offspring
>>Lyrics Here<<

Gotta love Offspring's toungue in cheek lyrics. Haha, they're a classic. This particular song is about a man who's being treated badly but is the perfect example of p**** wooped. The song relates to how her puts up with it because of his esteem. Let's forget gender stereotypes, because I see both guys and chicks in these situations. I'm pretty sure a good chunk of us could name at least one friend that could use this spread.

Card One- Your esteem
"I wrote her off for the tenth time today And practiced all the things I would say. But she came over, I lost my nerve, I took her back and made her dessert. Now I know I'm being used. That's okay man cause I like the abuse. I know she's playing with me. That's okay cause I've got no self esteem."
----This card is a quick snapshot of your self image. Pay attentions to emotions in the card and how they relate to how you feel about yourself.

Card Two- How your esteem effects your relationship with yourself
"We make plans to go out at night. I wait till 2 then I turn out the light. All this rejection's got me so low. If she keeps it up I just might tell her so"
----What things you may do to hold yourself back because of your self image.

Cards Three, Four and Five- How your esteem effects your relationship with others
"When she's saying that she wants only me, Then I wonder why she sleeps with my friends. When she's saying that I'm like a disease, Then I wonder how much more I can spend. Well I guess I should stick up for myself, But I really think it's better this way. The more you suffer,The more it shows you really care Right?"
----Whether all of these cards are representative of one relationship, or if each one represents its own relationship is up to you.

Cards Six and Seven- What you need to do to fix your esteem
"Now I'll relate this a little bit, That happens more than I'd like to admit. Late at night she knocks on my door Drunk again and looking to score. Now I know I should say no, But that's kind of hard when she's ready to go. I may be dumb, But I'm not a dweeb. I'm just a sucker with no self esteem"
----Advice cards. This may be something you need to do, or something you need to realize, etc. Go with your gut to figure out what it means.


Did this one in less than ideal conditions, so if something doesn't make sense let me know. My thought process is kind of off right now, sorry.


Yayy you did this song!! (I was deciding whether to type 'yay' or 'wee'. Gosh I'm so nerdy ;_;)
Thanks KM. Nice spread. I can see it's going to be useful for me in the future.


Linh said:
Yayy you did this song!! (I was deciding whether to type 'yay' or 'wee'. Gosh I'm so nerdy ;_;)
Thanks KM. Nice spread. I can see it's going to be useful for me in the future.
Oh hey I just PMed you haha.
Next time indecision strikes just say Yeeee. That's what I do. Nerds unite. :D