13 Moons: Journal of a Natural Witch by Fiona Walker-Craven ~ Book Review


Thanks for the link, Milfoil.

This book is still on my wishlist but no way can I justify spending that amount of money on a 2nd hand book. :)

It's a very small book too and as Milfoil said in her first post in this thread, a lot of what's in it is common sense or quite personal to the author's path.. I got it when it was in print and it cost something like £7.99, it may have cost less than that..
It's a great book, one of my all time favourite books on The Craft and I wouldn't be without it but it's badly (cheaply) bound and does fall to bits very easily.. If I didn't have it now, there is no way I'd pay more than around the £20 mark for it.


It's a book I would recommend to anyone starting out; a shame it was never reprinted.


I really want this book, Sulis recommended it to me a few years ago. I set up an abebooks search for it. Everytime it comes up, it doesn't sell for less than £100 (US$150, AU$195) and the last few copies I watched on there went for £150! It's very expensive now it's very OOP and seems popular. I hope eventually I will come across one in my life that isn't too a bad price. But it's now a rarity!


There's a secondhand copy on Amazon UK for £75 at the moment.


thanks :thumbsup: I saw that when just looking for the links on this page :) still a bit much to pay, think I will put out an intention to the universe and hope I get a copy! I am in no hurry for it but would like to read it one day. I wish someone digitised it online or reprinted!


Daniel, I have PM-ed you :)