Study Hall #1


I'm teasing you, Zechariah :) If you wanted to talk witchy related stuff, can do so by PM ;)

Though perhaps we should take a collection to get you a RWS or a RWS clone? :p (Yes, once again, I am teasing you.)


I'm teasing you, Zechariah :) If you wanted to talk witchy related stuff, can do so by PM ;)

Though perhaps we should take a collection to get you a RWS or a RWS clone? :p (Yes, once again, I am teasing you.)
oh, sorry. i am rather deficient at processing sarcasm


Zechariah's discussion- Tree of Life

Well, since someone requested. Here is what i know on the Tree.

Not Much.

Now there are two approaches someone can take to using the Tree in Tarot readings.

The first, and possibly more desirable, is to study Kaballah, or the work of Crowley, as i believe that those are the best places to gain philosophical knowledge of the Tree of Life. For tarot, i dont personally think that complete understanding of the tree is necessary.

For example:
above is a pic of the tree of life. Now, if we go the Full Nine Yards with this, each position has a meaning, changing depending on which card is present, and even each of the paths mean something. Meaning that if 2 card are in certain places, they can gain an additional meaning if a certain path (represented by a Major) connects them.

Now, that is truly absurdly complicated if you dont want to build a philosophy off of it. BUt it is truly worth studying if you ever get the idea you want to.
For tarot, its only slightly less complicated. When i do a ToL reading, i basically use it to assess the total energies surrounding a moment at any given time.
There are 10 positions as shown in the above pic, each called a Sephiroth, and each having its own name.
the position at the top is called Kether, or the Crown. the position at the bottom is called Malkuth, or the Kingdom. The basic idea is that Kether represents the primary energy that empowers the individual at the time; Malkuth symbolizes the Material body, or, when i do it, how all the energies of the other sephiroth combine and manifest in the everyday life of the querent. Everything in between has specific meanings and attributes, which are a tad bit more complicated.
In this style of reading, Majors represent POWERFUL forces in your life, and should be duly noted, as, in my opinion, should Aces. I also wouldnt dream about doing a TOL without using Reversals. but thats just me.

I plan to go into depth on each Sephiroth in future discussions. below are my two ToL threads. (this one uses tarot AND an oracle at the same time.)
Hope you can enjoy


re: Zech13

Okay, THAT is a neat and useful graphic. I wish it were better resolution. And I was the other person that jumped on one of those threads with you :)

I was ... unfortunately not started on tarot through one of the better resources available (78 Degrees of Wisdom, the Tarot Bible, ect ect) and started out with Tarot Theory & Practice by Ly de Angeles. I actually was turned off by the book and pretty much one year later, partially due to you, I've taken it out again. I'm curious as to what you would make of chapters five and six. The Tree of Life seemed like such a "big freakin' deal" and I became discouraged when I could not remember the different sephiroth AND the card meanings AND the signs that governed them (AND the paths!) It was... a tall order and I found myself not quite up to the challenge. Perhaps this go round things will make more sense now that I have at least the majors in memory.

My copy of the ToL It's from Ly's book which is in my lap.


Just to clarify and avoid the potential incoming mod-wrath, this doesnt count as something that should be in "Your readings" or Using Tarot Cards, does it? or does the concept of a study group override typical forum guidelines?

No no no it was just an example. I was answering a questions about how I got to my advice cards, I explained it using an example with these cards


Hi there,

When I do a reading and get the the end I add up the minors to get a number less than 22, which can then be represented by a major arcana card. I use this card to advice on the whole reading. It's usually just a sentence that helps give the sitter something feel good.

So if I did a 5 card reading and had:
Empress, 4 cups, queen wands, 7 swords, 10 swords, I would work out as
4+7+10=21 = judgement as the advice card. (some people take the sum down to single figures, so 21 would become 3 = empress, I dont though)

It's just something I picked up a long time ago and have kept doing. I don't *always* do it, but most times I do.

Hope this helps.

Hey Jes,

Your this take of incorporating a bit of numerology into readings has me interested. Could you if possible guide me to a book or website which sparked off this idea to you?? I really liked the extra angle this provides. I tried it for one of my readings yesterday, but wasnt too sure...!!


re Jes

The idea of a quintessential card (quint card) and shadow card that I printed out from AT was located at this thread. It was posted by Sophie 3-4 posts down.

Thoughts on it Jes?


For Zech

I think i would stick with the later one. The keys to wisdom are there, and you simply need to humble yourself (kneel) and take them
realistically, their backs are to you because they are not talking to you, they have sought out the hierophant. Dont know what to make of the color yellow. i hate yellow.

no idea. but im sure if you look it up in an encyclopedia of symbols that it can be found.

Ok i just did a little bit of follow up....Would like to update it here. The keys, golden in color in the RWS deck indicate how the dark side of the persona is hidden from those following the outer doctrines of life.

As regards the back of the figures, well what if they are not talking to me. Why assume?? Even if they were not talking to me, could they not have been drawn sideways, facing both the Hierophant and the reader...that they have their backs to me, definitely speaks something. Just for an example, the Judgement card in the RWS deck, has only the child with his back towards the reader, while the male and female are facing sideways as they address the angel above.

Anyways, consulting Pollack told me that this typical position of three people deserves special attention in Tarot symbology. The major Arcana has the High priestess with pillars instead of people, Lovers, Devil, Judgement and Chariot as well with this motif.

The other symbols, especially the triple cross on the wand and the three tiered crown (which I obviously failed to notice) represent the divine, physical and intellectual worlds or rather the trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit which the Hierophant stands for (Ref: A tin of Tarot - Jonathan Dee)

P.S. : Lest I forgot to mention, the follow up I did was totally with respect to the RWS deck


Saturday Morning Checkin!

Saturday Checkins [ in ABC order]


Card of the Week: Empress
Discussion: Complete
Reading: Pending


Card of the Week: Queen of Wands (Legacy deck)
Discussion: Complete
Reading: Complete


Card of the Week: Strength (Revelations Deck)
Discussion: Complete
Reading: Pending


Card of the week: Hierophant (RWS)
Discussion: Complete
Reading: Pending


Card of the Week: Moon (Tarot of the Vampyres)
Discussion: Complete
Reading: Pending

Please aim to have completed your readings by Wednesday the 12th to allow time for feedback!