The Clock


This is a numerology based spread that I created. It is based on the numbers of a clock, hence why it is clock shaped. It's supposed to be shaped like a clock bur its hard to align right on a phone, lol


1. One; it is the number of new beginnings and fresh starts. This is where you will experience a new beginning or fresh start in your life.

2. Two; it is the number of balance and duality. This symbolizes an area in your life that calls for more balance, or an end to indecision.

3. Three; it is the number of expression and creativity. This is an area of your life where you need to express yourself or use your creativity.

4. Four; it is the number of stability. This represents your home or family life.

5. Five; it is the number of instability and unpredictablity. This is something in your life that is currently unstable or unpredictable.

6. Six; it is the number of harmony and diplomacy. This is what you need to work on making more harmonious in your life.

7. Seven; it is the number of esoterics and mystery. This is an area of your life where you can manifest things to your own benefit.

8. Eight; it is the number of success and wealth. This is where you are successful or wealthy in your life.

9. Nine; it is the number of satisfaction and accomplishment. This is something in your life that you can accomplish in your life if you put in the effort.

10. Ten; it is the number of completion. This represents something in your life that is now complete, or will soon be complete.

11. Eleven; it is a master number. It represents your higher ideals or fulfillment.

12. Twelve; it is a number of faith. This represents an situation in your life where you need to exercise more faith.


I LOVE this! I'm going to try it out tomorrow night thanks for sharing :D


Thank you very much Nikki :)


Nice one!!

I will put in my blog to with your credits, because this is very very nice spread!

Thanks thanks thanks! for sharing!


Ooooh, like it! I'm copying it into my spread book, thanks!


Very nice spread. Thank you for sharing! I'll be trying this one out in the future.


wow this looks really good :) i am going top try it out!
would you mind if i copied and pasted it for another learning site?? i think this would be great on there ?? i will of course credit you with it as your creation??
thank you thanks for sharing :)


That would be fine Spirit. I'm happy you like it.


That would be fine Spirit. I'm happy you like it.

I really have to said once more, that you are genius.

We learn tarot with these spreads...

Can you do something like this to the astrological spread?

And the elements ? like air, fire, ...

I hope you can do more spreads like these!


Hi Hispet,

I tried the Clock and it worked quite well ... it helped me to do some year-end reflections on what I need to work out on myself for next year.

Great spread! THANKS FOR THIS ONE. :thumbsup: