Shadowscapes: Fibonacci Nautilus Spirals motif


We can see these painted on the haunches of animals: The fox in the Ace of Wands, the monkey in the Two of Pentacles, and the lion-unicorn on the Two of Wands.

The courts of Cups, of course, have actual spiral shells about them, but all the courts of Wands stand on rocks with these spirals. Tree branches even curve into these, in the High Priestess, Nine of Pentacles (not only the snail shell she's sitting on, wow new tongue twister, but the branches of the trees), and the branches of the Knight of Pentacles.


There's also one among the symbols tucked into the Hierophant's roots, and a large spiral shell resting behind the feet of the Ten of Wands.

(I know I'm tardy to the party commenting on these Shadowscapes threads, but hey, I figure that's what the indexes are there for. :p)

Does anyone want to comment on the symbolism of the nautilus shell? I know it has to do with the somewhat mysterious mathematical wonder of the Fibonacci sequence appearing apparently randomly in the structures of many kinds of living things. I've never taken that thought any further than "nature is weird and awesome," which of course is one of the sub-themes of the whole deck. <3 Any other thoughts?


I might be a little late to the party here but I thought id chime in with my thoughts on the Fibonacci sequence.

When I was doing high school math a couple years ago, we started a unit on fractal images and the math involved, and one of the biggest projects we had to do was to create a spiral using the Fibonacci sequence, otherwise known as the golden ratio. While I was doing this project I had this massive spiritual awakening, where I was finally able to understand how energy moves throughout the universe. In my understanding of my own reality, this ever growing perfect spiral is the path all energy follows. It was this awakening that lead me to choose this deck, in particular, as I could really see how energy was interacting in the cards. Shadowscapes really is my one true love as far as tarot goes. No other deck has spoken to me with the same language as this. It is the language of my soul <3

The golden ratio is as follows: A + B is to A as A is to B (this may not make a whole lot of sense to those who haven't taken calculus..)

Essentially, this golden ratio spiral has been seen in many places throughout nature. It can be seen in the pattern of flower petals spinning outward from the core, the placement of seed pods in pinecones, even in the shape of galaxies far bigger than any human being can comprehend. It can be found in the branches on the stem of a plant, and the veins of its leaves. Even the skeletal structure of humans and the pattern of veins and nerves can be traced back to the golden ratio.

Some call this pattern "God's Fingerprint"