Double meaning reading

Shadow Wolf

I have a next door neighbor who is really into tarot and comes in for readings whenever she can.( which unfortunately isn't very often) Anyway Sat. night my hubby and kids were away so she came in around 7:30 pm and we were up until midnight just doing different spreads for different situations she was facing.

And once again the reading from different decks overlapped. One card from the Fairy Oracle would confirm a reading from the Motherpeace. What came up most for her was "Trust Your Intuition, and the other basic outcome was don't change who you are for anyone. She said the cards were very accurate and knowing a little about the situations she was asking about I know they were.

Last night I was sitting at my computer and it hit me like a bolt from the blue. These are the exact same issues that I was struggling with, and I guess all of the visualization, and divine guidence finally got through to me. I made a decision to do the things I had to do on my terms. I realized that I was living my life
on other people's terms.........Hubby, mom, dad, my sister, and it was driving me crazy and NOT making very happy.

I'm not just rambling, although I am prone to ramble.

My point is that if my friend hadn't come in for me to read her cards, I never would have gotten the insights to change my own life.

How weird is that ???????

Has anyone else had that happen with their readings ??

I can't wait to tell her.

Was it a gift from the Universe for offering her some of my intuitive insights? (It was one of the readings where I recieved quite a few), or are we just on the same wavelength ????

Your input is greatly appreciated!!!


i frequently find myself doing readings for several others that are on the same basic issue, which also happens to be an issue i am dealing with. i don't think it's a coincidence.

seems to be just another way synchronicity works in our lives :) the more one becomes aware of it, the more they will notice it.


I love to quote Zig Zilger who said, “You get what you want, by helping others get what they want.”

Folks think I’m wrapped a little tight.

But you just discovered one of the why’s. I think it’s one of the joy’s of reading for others. You could read for yourself for years – and not ‘get’ the spread.
