Choosing tarot books


I'm looking to extend my book collection and study, i've just read the AT book reviews about this these two books, and i just wanted other peoples opinions on them before i decide to get them.

21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card by Mary Greer and James's Ricklef's Tarot tell's the tale

Books on studying the Tarot, containing techniques and exercises for reading the cards through personal and traditional interpretation, storytelling, dialogues, visualisations and much, much, more.


It helps to know if you are looking for esoteric philosophy, magick (qabala), card interpretations, symbolism, spreads, reading techniques, psychology and self development, or history.

For instance, in esoteric philosophy I'd go with Paul Foster Case, The Tarot of the Magicians by Oswald Wirth, Tarot of the Bohemians by Papus.

For Magick (and symbolism) I'd read The Book of Thoth by Crowley (or a book by one of his explicators), but for the more adventuresome, Transcendental Magic by Eliphas Lévi.

The rest of the topics have been covered pretty well here and in other recent threads.

I am continually blown away by the wisdom expressed in the classics, including Pictorial Key to the Tarot.