

does anybody in here know anything about auras--or can see them ?


I know three people who can see auras can look at the same subject and each will see different colors around that person.

I know I've only legitimately seen an aura once, when the lights went out during a lightning storm & the neighbor lady was standing in front of the dark picture window--her aura was blue & out about 4' all around here, very beautiful.

I know I feel them rather than see them. Everyone has one & you can pull yours in tight against you to conserve energy when you're in a shoulder-to-shoulder kind of crowd.

AND that there are people who deliberately or unconsciously can suck off all your energy from yours to make themselves feel better (and you feel like you're exhausted).

They're real. Yep.


ok, thats good thanks. i know what you mean about people who suck all your energy...this is definitely true. thank u for that.


HudsonGray said:

AND that there are people who deliberately or unconsciously can suck off all your energy from yours to make themselves feel better (and you feel like you're exhausted).

YES! These people are called either 'energy vampires' or 'phychic vampires'. They are definately real. There are some good books available about protecting yourself against these people. Some energy vampires are unconscious of the effect they have on others and some do this intensionally. Learn to protect yourself!


I see auras occasionally, usually if I am giving reiki to someone.

I see a 'cloud ' of colour surrounding the body, often obscuring the face. This usually happens with my daughter. She's 4 and often asks for reiki at bedtime if she's having a hard time getting to sleep. I usually see a pink or greenish colour and sometimes a blend of colours.

Love and light

Crystalmynx xx


mingbop said:
does anybody in here know anything about auras--or can see them ?
Howdy mingbop.

I used to be able to see them when I was younger and had less, well different clutter in my brain. ;) When I first began learning about such things as auras, spirituality and so forth, I was in highschool. One of my teachers gave me some tips on how to allow myself to see auras, starting with my own in a mirror. For some years I was able, if I concentrated, to see either my own or another person's. Alas, I seem to have lost touch (temporarily, I'm sure) with that ability.

But viewing one's own aura is an interesting experience. When you can view another person's it can help you to be able to tell if thier angry, sad, happy, and so forth. The good thing about this is that it can help you to help them if they need it, or avoid strangers who should be avoided.

At this time, I can still sense much about a person's aura, but I sense it more on subconscious level. Though, I am beginning once again to sense things more on a conscious level.

Okay... i've rambled enough on this post...