Root Races



Could some one please give me an explanation of root races. What are they. Which ones still exist, the characteristics of each one etc.

Thank you


I did a search on the topic...
It looks like theosophical theory regarding the evolution of human beings. There are seven classifications, where some of the terms looked familliar to me, such as "Atlantean" and "Aryan."
It's strange and interesting stuff.
My search came up with A LOT of different articles, which I started to read, from top to bottom...then my head began to spin...
Therefore, I can only recommend the first three or four listings for decent information--I don't know what happens after that!


dangerous stuff.

hitler adopted the idea of a 'super race', based on these racial theories.

All Is One

Between the fact that something seemed to stop you...head spinning as if to say "Stop!" and the fact that it sounds like propaganda, you may want to re-consider and perhaps try to evaluate the source?


The theories I've heard about root races was that when the human race evolved to homo sapient we branched off into several root groups, or races, and that these groups inhabited a region, and thus was the root of the people we know and love today. The forementioned Fascist believed that the ultimate form of this was the blonde haired blue eyed person, and as history, personal experience, fact, ect. has taught us, this is a load of S---. Black, caucasun, asian, middle eastern, native american, blue skinned, at their heart they're all the same - With equal training a white guy in a fight has as much of a chance as some other ethnicity - with equal education an asian person is just as smart as some other ethinicity, same amount of weightlifting a chick can lift as much as a guy (THough she won't have as big muscles - evolution thing, women developed to hide their muscles so enemy animals couldn't judge their strength, while huys needed to impress females with big impressive muscles.) Basically, what I'm saying is at heart we're all the same, all equal.... - ... I have old, vague memories of a past life lived in atlantis... the name I went by then is actually where I got my screen name... and from what I remember a lot of what helped bring the city down was bickering amongst groups over the issue of root races - the 'pure' of atlanits thought the rest of the root races were all inferior, ect. ect. and eventually what happened was all this civil dispute brought it all crashing around them from the inside. Just a bit inside me that was nagging to tell the minute root races came up.

Feeling like he got something he really needed to get said out,


All Is One said:
Between the fact that something seemed to stop you...head spinning as if to say "Stop!" and the fact that it sounds like propaganda, you may want to re-consider and perhaps try to evaluate the source?
All Is One,
I conducted a search for Adrian, after he/she posted the question.
There was nothing to re-consider.


Adrian: If memory serves me, there is mention of root races in readings by Edgar Cayce, but I believe that was in connection with the subject of *the origin & destiny of man & not for the purpose of racism*.

I think his source indicated the development of 5 root races as man developed as a species with the red race as from Atlantis but I do not recall details on the others. I am not sure I shall be able to locate the specific reading, but I think the book, "Edgar Cayce's Story on the Origin and Destiny of Man" by Lytle Robinson may be helpful. Likely available via the foundation that preserves his readings, The Association for Research and Enlightenment (The A.R.E.) or via the website:

Edited to add: I have since found out this book is OOP & available via secondary markets. Sorry! I highly recommend it.

All Is One


I may have sounded fllippant in my post - I had a strange reacton to the way the topic was originally introduced...I know nothing about Adrian, or "root races" and I don't understand exactly your meaning, but have a vague theory.

Hope I didn't come across the wrong way!



All Is One said:
Between the fact that something seemed to stop you...head spinning as if to say "Stop!" and the fact that it sounds like propaganda, you may want to re-consider and perhaps try to evaluate the source?
My apologies, All Is One, I just didn't like being told to "Stop!"--especially when it threatened NOT knowing something.
A little rebellion kicked in... :D
Your point, in fact, was a very good one. Decide if it is propaganda, and consider the source.
However, I would not wish to turn away from propaganda and other such ilk. Never turn away--dig deeper.
I always want to be smarter than THEM.
I read the pamphlets and flyers, because I want to know what is being said by people who have to share their beliefs with pamphlets and flyers. I also enjoy correcting the grammar and spelling... ;)
Personally, I want to KNOW, and I don't ever want to be censored or sheilded from knowledge. Granted, it is not always "knowledge" that one would consider necessary or valid, but if it ends in a question mark, then an answer needs to follow.
Also, I am Obsessive Compulsive, so I can't help but want to tie up loose ends! :D
Anyway, in a search of this particular subject, I found some strange theories that, indeed, could easily be twisted and convoluted to suit a particular mindset; however, the sources I found made no such references.
I sincerely hope the original poster, Adrian, is also eager to gather many sources of information, and to seriously consider those sources, per your suggestion.

All Is One

Appreciate it

Thanks for explaining that to me Tauni - I really do 'get it' of my weak spots is racism...and I have a knee-jerk reaction to anything that smells of it. My reaction was to the topic, not to your statement.

I can't say it is likely to be something I can overcome - it runs rampant through my whole family. We are so far to the left that even at liberal universities our family of wacko academics seem to rub many people the wrong way.

I am more diplomatic than my biochem prof father or my Lit prof, and minister mother, but only because they were so in everyone's face politically speaking.

Sounds as if you are also supremely dedicated to knowledge. And much more logical than I.

Hey~ How bout that party? Bet you had to sleep all day to recover from the gala welcome! (I got there after everyone had collapsed, but -man-was that some kind of really great chocolate cake)

BTW: This is my 500th post!!! Yippee kay ay, I finally made it!

:joke: }) :joke: