Golden Tarot of Klimt - King of Chalices


The source painting for this is (currently) unknown.

In RWS, the King of Cups is the "diplomat"; he knows how to see things from others' perspectives, and uses his empathy skillfully. (On the flip side, he is not above manipulating other people's emotions). "His ambition is to have a kingdom where everyone is emotionally mature, meaning courtly and civil" (Thirteen).

Klimt's version is pondering something weighty. One interpretation is that he is disappointed: An authority figure might be looking at the querent suspiciously, wondering if he's been acting insensitively towards another. Or the querent may feel that somebody else may be acting insensitively or emotionally immature towards him; he may be seeking the advice of an authority figure to intervene, to be a fair judge.

Another idea -- he is staring empathically, sympathetically. Somebody may be listening to the querent on a deep and emotional level, or the querent may be in this role himself. Or, the querent needs to inhabit this role to solve the problem at hand.

Unlike RWS, this king is not "decked out" in regalia. You may not instantly recognize who this king is in your life -- he is modest, not ostentatious.