Suggestions for a tarot day book/tarot pocket calendar


Ok, guys, as I already stated in the tarot calendar poll thread I am in touch with the German tarot publishing house Königsfurt and am now collecting information for a tarot day book or tarot pocket calendar.

What would you like to see in such a day book? Make suggestions about size, binding etc.


Would you describe what the German one is like (size, binding, day/week to an opening, types of images/info, etc)...

I know you're asking for input, but it would be good to read in this thread what the current pocket calendar/day book is like.



Ok, jmd, I already described it in the calendar poll but for you I'll do it again ;)

The German "Tarot Kalender 2004" is an A5 spiral bound calendar with one page/week, indication of major German holidays and of course some pictures of LoScarabeo/königsfurt decks such as Crowley's Thot, Nefertari, Crystal Tarot, Dante Tarot, Primavera Tarot (and some others).

I have to admit that I still do not carry this calendar around as we are still in 2003 so I cannot name all decks which are depicted in the calendar by heart. The pictures taken from the decks are usually very similar to their original size, maybe even a bit larger. The pics are on a light beige background which does not disturb the general impression.

The blank space for each day is large enough to sketch a daily spread or your thoughts on tarot cards + your appointments etc which inspired me to get that calendar to use it as a kind of daily tarot compagnon.

I'll see if one of my coworkers will do some scans of this calendar to display it here.