What would you say is the scariest/creepiest Tarot deck?

Aura Wolf

I agree with what's been said so far...though for me the deck that always creeped me out the most was Tarot of the Cat People. I might be in the minority here, but there's just something about those cat people, man...


...though years later I realized my fear was partially fascination and bought myself a copy. I still find it equally creepy and fascinating. According to Karen Kuykendall, the cat people eat algae. Seriously? *shudders* Love the garb, though.


Does darkest, gothic fit in with scariest? I don't find it really scary, but I find the Silent Tarot like going through an old steamer trunk while in the middle of a dream. It just is surreal, like seeing floating bits of history while listening to strange haunting music in the background. For some reason, seems more gothic to me than the Bohemian Gothic. Maybe because the Silent Tarot is more fragments, rather than a whole picture.


That is totally horrible. I wish I hadn't seen it. :(
Private, personal therapy - possibly. Tarot - nope.
The ugly, comic-book cartoony style is creepy to me.

I dislike it in the Wildwood too, which I also find scarily unpleasant & sort of cynical, in presenting so much exaggerated OTT stylised & cleaned-up pseudo-ancient-Celtic-ness that seems unreal, rushed & patronising towards the buyer.
I have a problem with cartoonish styles (especially anything Disney ... used to make me cry & have nightmares as a child, & still makes me feel sick & shudder.)


Sorry if it creeped you out - I know I won't be using it for a while...

Not so keen on the LS stuff anyhow. The Dark Grimoire was pretty horrific too!

I find that the Petrak Tarot calms me down but has occasionally freaked me out a bit. It's very surreal - beautiful yet nightmarish, depending on when you use it!



Have any of you seen the Ludy Lescot Tarot?

It really creeps me out - some fairly horrific imagery within the deck mixed with very sexual undertones. As I understand it, the author (Ludy Lescot) designed the deck whilst going through a very dark time in her life.

The three of swords is particularly disturbing:


I would say this takes the spot immediately for me as the number 1 creepiest/scariest Tarot deck, even based on looking on one card.


I've never really looked at the Ludy Lescot tarot - I've just checked out the other cards and I'm pleased I don't own this tarot. Way too many negative cards there. Makes the Bohemian Gothic look like a ray of sunshine.


LOL Emily

I don't own this deck (the Ludy Lescot) but someone mentioned it was done when the designer was going through a dark time. From the images I've seen, it is a walk on the wild side of the psyche.


I definitely think the Ludy deck is very dark, and it does have a sinister atmosphere to it, but I don't find it particularly scary or creepy. As I have previously stated the top spot belongs to the Wormweird for me, creepy wax figures bleurgh!

But yes the dead baby card was a bit of a shocker when I first saw it, but such a vivid embodiment of the sorrow, agony and anguish this card can represent. I always wonder if she is the mother and she did the deed... :(