Kris Hadar's website


On Kris Hadar's website, he has a good amount of material on numerology and tarot. In the tarot material, he recommends the student restrict themselves to the Major Arcana.

He also has specific courses on numerology and tarot which are only available to members. Has anyone taken these courses? I'm curious as to whether in the "member" courses he covers reading with the Minor Arcana.

In the free access material on the site, he gives numerological meanings to numbers 1 through 22 which are obviously based on the Major Arcana. I'm speculating that for cards Ace through 10 he uses those same meanings (that is, for numbers 1 through 10), and combines them with suit meanings. But I can't figure out how he determines meanings for the Court cards, unless he uses his numerological meanings for numbers 11 through 14.

The description on the site for the different kinds of memberships and what they involve is a little vague, perhaps due to translation issues, and I don't want to mess with it if he never gets around to the Minor Arcana in his "member" courses.

Here's the site, which link I'm copying from Mimi's post in a Tarot Decks thread recently:

Thanks for any help --


MM Lee,

As I was also curious what Mr Hadar's tarot course is like so I subscribed as a passive member. The material should come by e-mail within the next few days.


Great, thanks, catlin! :) I'll look forward to hearing your impressions of it.

-- Lee