Tarot Tip Sheet


Any chance of describing how it is organised?

I read on Amazon.com that it is illustrated with the RWCS deck, but not much else.

For example, does it provide key-words, or does it briefly discuss each card?

Does it give indications for positions in particular spread(s)?

If anyone else has it, it would be interesting to have some feedback :)


It's laminated and folds open. It has small picutures of the entire RWS deck and underneath each are 2 to 3 sentences about the meaning.

Some examples:

The Hanged Man: You've been turned upside-down. Don't panic. It may be uncomfortable at first, but you'll like the new perspective.

The Lovers: Yes, this card is about love, but it's also about integration and balance. How your partner treats you mirrors how you feel about yourself.

9 of Wands Feeling a little defensive? You have the smarts and experience to persevere and be triumphant.

Page of Swords At last, a young man who can really cut through the crap, but watch out, this risktaker can be spiteful and inconsiderate.

It also give number associations and shows a four card spread with interps:

1. You in the reading
2. Past or Mind
3. Present or Body
4. Future or Spirit

It only costs $6.95, so to me it's well worth it. :)