A novel using the sequence of the RWS minors - can anyone help ?


A friend of mine is asking :

Some years ago a colleague told me of the source in a novel, for the emblematic sequences in the Minors of Pamela Colman Smith's and A.E. Waite's Tarot which followed aspects of the narrative in that novel.
Sadly, my memory had let me down and I cannot recall the novel nor its author.
Can anyone refresh my memory ? I cannot seem to find the reference.

Anyone ? I have no idea.This is the MINORS, so NOT Calvino...


I don't know about a novel, but Mary K. Greer has discovered that the Minors illustrate the Masonic legend of Hiram Abiff and also Robert de Boron's version of the Grail legend.


I'll pass that on ! Thanks.


Might get more hits posted the Books And Media folder.


Isn't there a novel each for the Major and Minor Arcana of the Navigators of the Mystic Sea deck written by Julia Turk the deck's creator? I wonder if anyone has read these.


Leffy might have... Off to ask him....


Isn't there a novel each for the Major and Minor Arcana of the Navigators of the Mystic Sea deck written by Julia Turk the deck's creator? I wonder if anyone has read these.

I have all three books (one for pips 2-10, one for Aces and Courts and one for Majors), but have only read the first one so far.


Does it do what my friend describes - following the emblematic sequence ??


Well, the Navigators isn't quite RWS in its structure. The only other thing I can think of is Mary Greer's association of the Minors with stories from the bible as suggested earlier by LRichard. I believe that's in the 2006 Llewellyn Reader. I'll have to check this weekend.