Sort of magic readings


This is a very strange fortune telling technique which i have used for many people and it has worked wonders. I use a book called Opening the doors within to remove a prayer to solve your difficulty and i take that prayer and see what God has in mind for you.

I will take 2 at a time. Will to take new sitters. Pop your question.


OK, I'm willing to be your practice partner.

Fire away.


Any questions which plague you i will take time since i have to write down your prayer and the message i got from it.


Any questions which plague you i will take time since i have to write down your prayer and the message i got from it.

I suppose the constant question to self is ...Is this chosen path the path home or merely a mental entertainment.

The Standing Stone

May I join please?

The Standing Stone

I have been thinking about changing jobs.. Which career should I dedicate myself to?
Thank you


will take time.


I suppose the constant question to self is ...Is this chosen path the path home or merely a mental entertainment.

You can only think one thought at a time. Therefore see that that thought is constructive, positive, loving, and then you will find yourself saying constructive things and acting in a loving way.

In fact, your whole outlook will be positive, and your life will be filled with love, joy happiness, health, success and harmony. When you are at all sensitive and you have negative destructive thoughts, they indermine your whole being. Your outlook becomes dimmed, and you feel depressed and physically ill. Try to understand that yuo bring this state on to yourself by yuor wrong thinking. Change it and you will change everything. Youmay imagine that yuo are surrounded by many difficulties and that your whole situation is tp blame for your negative state of mind, but isit? Aren't your thuoghts your own? Aren't you free to raise your consciousness and think loving, positive constructive thoughts that create your well-being? The choice always lies in yuor hand.

This is the message i got tell me if it resonates.


I have been thinking about changing jobs.. Which career should I dedicate myself to?
Thank you

Your positive, creative, loving thoughts hold a tremedous power, far greater than you realise, for thoughts are power. Therefore banish all negative thoughts. Always look on the bright side of life, for more love and joy you radiate, the more love and joy you draw to you. Love all those sould around you, for you will find everyone responds to love in the end. Children and animals response immediately because they have barries to pull down. They feel that love flows instinctively, for they are not suspicious of wrong mtives and intentions, but simply accept and respond to love and retun it joyously; whereas so often adults are suspicious and imagine that there must be some ulterior motive. Never allow suspicion of your motives to close your heart towards genuine, let the love flow in full force until all barriers have been knocked down. LOve is the key to life. You hold that key witihin you..


May i have one please? :)

How can i end my learned behaviour around my love life as in not trusting, being overly impatient etc?

Thank you! :heart: