Universal Fantasy - 8 of Chalices


The 8 of Cups is a card that represents moving on. The time has come to let things go and search for something better. Possibly, it's time to walk away from a tiresome situation. We can see that meaning in this card. A giant man is sending off a bird that's carrying a small man. The small man is obviously going on a journey. Are they friends? The giant man seems a little sad but he knows he must let the small man go. Where is he going? I imagine the small man was visiting and now he must go back to his people. The parting is sad but necessary. Perhaps they will meet again in the future.

What are your opinions on this card?

Pam O

8 of cups - Universal Fantasy

A Giant's hands are out as he releases a white bird carrying a Tiny Man on it's back. The Tiny Man on the bird is not much bigger than the chalices on the ground that are filled with jewels. More jewels are scattered all around the cups. There are also giant sized bags behind the choices that are tied closed, but it feels as if these are filled with gold and items of wealth.

There is a lot of contrast going on in this card image. This scene seems to be set in a chicken coop, or other farm style out building. The Giant looks more like a mountain man than a person of great wealth. The Tiny Man, wears luminescent green pants and a tidy shirt tucked into his pants. The Giant, on the other hand, looks kind of scruffy, certainly not like someone of great wealth. (Is this reminding us we cannot judge a book by it's cover?) A chicken coop is not where we typically find jewels and items of great wealth sitting around.

The Tiny Man is leaving all that wealth and going on a journey. His back is to the Giant as he confidently waves goodby. The Giant does not look happy. Is he losing his friend? The Tiny Man certainly seems to be breaking free. Maybe it is simply breaking free from the wealth that seems so oddly unbalanced, scattered on the floor of a chicken coop? Or, maybe it is breaking free from the Giant's control. Is the Giant sadly saying, "fly, be free"?

There are multiple stories going on in this card. One is of the Giant letting go of the Tiny Man. Another is the Tiny Man breaking free of a situation in search of adventure. There is also the white bird. Is the bird acting from its free will as a willing companion, or is the Tiny Man controlling the bird and making him fly somewhere?

Pam O

Here is a card scan from the internet:

ETA: This cards raises the question of priorities. Sometimes it is time to let go of comforts of wealth and security to find your own path. How often have we found ourselves staying in a situation because of financial reasons? Or because we fall into a pattern because it is familiar and comfortable even though it is not really what we want? What is it going to take to break free of things holding us back to go find emotional excitement and passion?

From the Giant's perspective: Sometimes we have to let things go that we love, then we get to see if the love is real, or if it was forced. "If you love something, set it free..."

Pam O

Questions to ponder when drawing this card:

Am I holding myself back due to loyalty to someone else?
Or am I allowing myself to follow my own path?
What has been tieing me down?
What has been emotionally stifling me?
Does it feel like it will cost more to go than to stay? What is the real cost of being stuck in a pattern? Is it worth breaking free?

What other questions can we ask?

ana luisa

To me this card is about letting go for the sake of selfless love. Both the little guy and the bird will be beter off free even if they have to give up the riches and comfort of this house. As a mother, this card talks bunches to me. It is THE image of the happy/sad moment when you see your kids flying out f the nest. :)