Swing of the pendulum: tick tock

Cat O'Cups

What time will my 7-year-old fall asleep tonight? :D Or tomorrow night, if you prefer. :)

I don't know if it matters, but just in case; my timezone is GMT +1.


Mahafrins, strangebrew: Thanks so much for your participation! However, I'd like to keep the readings on this thread to events that you're expecting to happen within the next two weeks. Within the next month at the most, but I do need feedback, so my preference is for questions that will allow that. Please edit your questions and I will add your names to the list.

starchaser: I like your question, but it is too open-ended for me to read. "Feel results" is a bit too vague. Would you mind editing/changing your question?

Oh right..will do?

When will my friend fly back home?


What time will my 7-year-old fall asleep tonight? :D Or tomorrow night, if you prefer. :)

I don't know if it matters, but just in case; my timezone is GMT +1.

Oh right..will do?

When will my friend fly back home?

You've both been added to the list; I'll read and post your results for you on the weekend. Thanks for your questions. :)


Why hello!

I had almost forgotten to check your thread.

I'd love to sit!

I'm just trying to think of a specific question lol ....

Will there be a chance i'll get to book a hotel room for myself and X after the 6th January?

Thank you!

And thanks for reminding me about your thread. If you wan't happy to exchange a reading for you - just PM me a question and I'll see what the cards have to say :D



hello again, luck has it I stumbled across this.

I see this is a timing question. lets see

when will my daughters father next come see me without his mother?


Will there be a chance i'll get to book a hotel room for myself and X after the 6th January?

Hey starburst,

That's a yes/no question. My pendulum isn't programmed for those at the moment.

Would you like to know *when* you and X can book a hotel room? Or, when your trip might take place?


I have a timing question.

When will I hear from NEL again?


I have a timing question.

When will I hear from NEL again?

You have been added to the list, Mycroft!

I'll try and have the readings for everyone posted later today.


Will the matter with Sammy and Ash kick off? ITs a matter i am working on but hasn't picked up.

Hi mahafrins,

My reading says not within the next two weeks and not within January 2014.

I did get a positive movement for February 2014, though!

Thanks for sitting,